I attended a PIP assessment, I have several illnesses including depression, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid trouble and agoraphobia. When I attended my assessment I got 0 points. I was stunned as the assessor did not seem to be listening to me at all. In the letter it stated that I carried a handbag and was able to bend down to put it on the floor!!! Unbelievable really. I loved working, but since my lovely son in law took his own life just over a year ago I am destroyed mentally.
ESA assessment: I attended a PIP... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA assessment

Hi mrslindypoos,
So sorry you have had such a rough time on your assessment, make sure you don’t give up, fight for everything you are entitled to, so sorry about your son, sending you lots of hugs from me 🤗🤗🤗🤗NanaT
When you get the copy of assessors report [ESA85a] go through it carefully and see if all the illnesses you put on your ESA50 form were discussed with you at assessment. Also if you doing an M R list anything that was omitted or not discussed with you and always state how it effects your functional abality
Appeal but get help
Can I ask if you did carry a bag and where you able to bend and put it on the floor if this is untrue inform them .
Thay do start assessment as soon as thay can see you so if you did thay will judge that you have the mobility to do this .
Unfortunately assessment is not biased on your health conditions as Many are able to work with some of the conditions you mention .
Was it a home assessment or not ?
As that may say although you say you have agoraphobia you where able to attend assessment .
I am not saying I agree but this is how thay complete assessments
I wish you luck with Appeal
I take it this was an ESA assessment from your previous post on here. Correct me if I am wrong

Hi there I’m very sorry to read this as living with your conditions is enough without going through this process healthunlocked.com/fibromya.... Perhaps you could speak to our benefits line for advice, I also see members responding as well the forum is a good place to come with friendly advice/tips. If you would also like to lock your posts members normally respond more is a post is locked as then only seen by our forum and not open to other site engines on the internet. healthunlocked.com/fibromya... Sending you my best wishes and hope you get the help you need xxx
It was a PIP assessment I went to previously but I have ESA this week and I am not feeling hopeful. I think you have to be a very good actor as two of my neighbours are on the highest rate PIP and they are fine to work. I saw him sprinting down the road recently and another day carrying 6 bags of shopping!!! It is an absolute farce. I really miss working but I cannot even think about leaving the house or getting out of bed most days. I wish I could feel normal again.
I feel for you, but please don't fall into the trap of judging whether others are entitled to their benefits. Fraud is less than 1% of PIP and ESA cases, according to the DWP itself.
Many illnesses/disabilities are invisible, fluctuating, and/or mental-health based. Your neighbour may well be able to carry 6 bags of groceries if he has depression, or if he has MS but still has good days, or even in a hell of a lot of pain but bought too much and has no choice but to get them home, although he knows that he'll spend the next two days in horrendous pain on morphine.
Don't let the bloody DWP divide us among ourselves.
Sorry, but I should have pointed out that I have personally known this couple for years and they actually brag and boast about getting benefits and how lucky they are. They have a car provided for them and the wife still goes to work!!! Yet genuine people are failing these assessments. My GP gets very angry when I see her as she knows how much I loved going to work but I am just unable to due to my severe depression. I do not want to feel this way, but these people just don't care !!!
As ESA assessment is a functional assessment. They be looking at what you can do not at what what you cannot do. You can tell them you able to spy on you neighbours and you know their shopping habits and you also have the ability to know you neighbours business