Don't know if my fibro is getting worse or I have developed some kind of neuropathy I've been getting sharp shooting pains in my legs and arms mostly legs instead of my usual burning pain I was borderline diabetic about a year ago and was meant to go a diabetes awareness thingy magig brain fog can't think of what is called but I've been in too much pain to go these pains are a new one on me looks like another trip to the doctors.
A new kind of pain: Don't know if my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
A new kind of pain
Since I have had fibro I get these shooting pains primarily in my back but often in my feet, ankles and hands. That and the burning pains are much better since being out in Pregablin but if I am low or in certain weather conditions they still rear their ugly heads. I find the ones in my hands and feet the worst as I am sure you have noticed they happen very unexpectedly which makes me either stumble if it is my feet or ankles or drop things if it is my hands. You have my sympathy.x
Thanks I started pre gablin about a week ago I was on penta gablin for a while never done any good.

Sometimes people find Pregablin works better for them, fingers crossed it works for you.x
I've been on 150mg of amitriptyline per night for years now and it helps with pain in hands and feet, but I still have the loss of grip in my hands and my feet ache all the time, dnt think anythink will get rid of any pain just makes it bearable!! x
I found it never help me and made me more fatigued than normal and I just tried to sleep all day without actually sleeping.

Best to see your GP and get checked out xx
I've got an appointment with with the pain clinic soon I will tell them. Thanks maco100
hello , i get these wired shooting stabing sometimes buring pain in my feet had it for the last three years makes it hard to stand and when i lie dowwn in bed it goes a bit crazy . i will still go back to your gp to check , fibro is a horible strange things xxx

I agree with moal61 get checked when your able to go to surgery , normally blood tests is the route they check out 1st if you were borderline last time with diabetic levels, always best to have piece of mind also with the other sharp shooting pains, hopefully someone can drive you there nothing worse than being in pain take care
Thanks for the reply and everyone else who replied the advice will be taken.
Yep I agree another trip to the doctor to see if it is neuropathy. You can have neuropathy without being diabetic. I have had neuropathy for years and don’t have diabetes. Well when I was told I had neuropathy I asked why do I have neuropathy since I don’t have diabetes. Both the tech who did the nerve conduction test and my doctor said thyroid disease can cause neuropathy. Which I had thyroid disease that turned into cancer in 05. That shooting pain could be neuropathy but the burning pain in my feet is neuropathy pain. I would think a shooting pain would be steaming from your back like a pinched nerve. So yes a trip to your doctor and maybe a couple of test will tell what is the cause of the shooting pain.
Thanks for the reply I do have sciatica the pain clinic contacted me today and told me they're not gonna see until my vitamin D levels are normal perhaps they may think that is the cause will make another appointment with the GP thanks maco100

I could shoot some of these doctors! they wont see you until you vitamin D levels are normal? How are you supposed to know when the D3 levels re normal? Don't you have to have blood work done prescribed by your doctor to know? Are you supposed to self medicate and guess when they are normal? Yes D3 can help with sciatica but it looks like you have more going that just that one symptom
Low vit D causes depression which had no life event that occurred to triigar the depression flare up. I’m sorry I’m falling asleep 😴 on you. Good night tomorrow is a new day. 😊😊🤗❤️🤗
I’m glad you can sleep. It’s healing you. I on the other hand , have insomnia most every night. Maybe If I didn’t t take this darned phone to bed with me I could rest, so it’s my own fault. We have a World Series baseball game going over here across the pond, and it went 18 innings tonight. I live in California so the LA dodgers is our team. The game lasted 6 hours!!!! But we won at 12:45 am. So, that’s my excuse tonight but it’s 3:00 am so I’ll shut my phone off. Good thoughts coming your way. Have a good day
Oh you Iive in California? That isn’t across the pond. That is just over the beaten path. I’m in South Carolina. Yes taking the blue light to bed effects your sleep. I had my iPod on last night updating a lot of my apps. I didn’t realize I had that many apps that needed to be updated and that wasn’t all of them just on 2-3 screens the other 2-3 screens or more I haven’t updated or check to update. The sun ☀️ just came out. That hurricane remnants brought rain all day yesterday and clouds today so it is nice to see the sun ☀️ today.
Oh taking melatonin between 7:30-8:00pm will make you feel sleepy between 10:30-11:00pm. It is just putting down the phone and iPod and go to bed. 😊💕🦋🌷💜
Yep sciatica would explain the shooting pains but I don’t understand the pain clinic not seeing you until your vit.D level is back up. Low vit.D will cause depression. And pain will cause depression but the 2 will make it twice as depressing. Treating the low vit.D level and the the sciatica will both help relieve the depression.
Hi I thought that as well the pain clinic receptionist told me the consultant won't see until my levels are normal so I've got to take a six-week course 2 tablets once a week I asked the doctor if could go to the pain clinic about my fibromyalgia the vitamin d problem is a new one I've had plenty of blood test before without having low levels of vitamin d I also have injections for vitamin B12 deficiency I'm seriously fed up with it after being diagnosed over six years with fibro and having 1st chance of seeing someone at the pain clinic turned down. Thanks for the reply maco100

I’m sorry maco, for all you are going through with the lack of care you are not getting from the pain clinic. I don’t know what the low vit.D has to do with the pain clinic....🤔....I don’t see why the pain clinic won’t see you? Why does vit.D deficiency prevet the pain clinic doctor from seeing you? 🤔🤥😢 I just don’t understand. 🤷🏼♀️🤗💕🦋 I’m sorry for rambling. I have been on the go all day and am now crashing and fibro fog is bad.
My vitamin D levels are normal so the doctor told me to contact the pain clinic again so she doesn't have to do another referral, now the pain clinic is saying wait another six months to have another vitamin D test. I think they just want to get me off there waiting list unbelievable

Time to find another pain clinic or doctor who will listen and not just pass the buck. I stopped going to the pain clinic here because my previous MRI showed a lot going on but the last one was normal with the acception of one bulging disk but it wasn’t pressing on a nerve. So all the pain meds they put me on they took me off because the doctor’s medical license “won’t allow” him to prescribe any narcotics for my pain. 🤷🏼♀️He said my family doctor can prescribe the tramadol and gabapentin for “your pain”. So I haven’t been back I felt they didn’t want me to come come back. So some days the pain is worse then other day and I think that those days I may have to go back to the pain clinic but I’m waiting for it to get worse. So I’m cert of in the same boat as you. 😊💕🦋🌻💜🤗
Scitatia can be helped with acupuncture . Find an acupuncturist that has been recommended by someone you know. My sciatica was healed in three treatments. Hopes this helps. Hi so Carolina. We had plans to visit you this month but the hurricane hit. We were going to Asheville. Well, maybe next year (God willing)
I think you need to find another pain clinic. Was your vit.D level low at one time? This just not sound right to me. Sounds like they are just passing the buck.