I'm a 29 y/o female who has been suffering from chronic pain for 6 years, no one has been able to diagnose anything, or even has a clue what to do with me. I get constant pain in my right hip, often going down my entire leg to the toes. The outer thigh, groin and buttock is affected, exercise and pain relief doesn't help, it is at the worst when lying down on either side although funnily the left side is the most painful. I'm desperate for answers but I can't get any, been for an MRI, seen rheumatologist but they can't find anything. Any advice?
What is going on with my hip!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What is going on with my hip!!

Yea I've been taking sertaline since May 2017
Try looking up piriform is syndrome? Someone mentioned it on here the other day.
this honestly sounds like fibromyalgia, I had the exact same symptoms for years, I had hip X ray ( am in my 40's) showed no arthritis, Dr said maybe pain in hip legs was due to being overweight, I put up with it again for a while, as you do, when it got really bad again, went back to see a different Dr, and straight away he told me you have Fibromyalgia, he told be to Google NHS Fibromyalgia, and I couldn't believe, loads of other symptoms I had been ignoring were listed on the page, its worth looking at, as I had the exact same symptoms, its horrible but at least I felt like I was being believed......
I brought that topic up with my doctor a few weeks ago and he said I was being ridiculous...can you believe it. They state they have to rule everything else out first. I had all sorts of different tests that came back fine so I don't know what else I'm meant to rule out lol! I think j will just have to be persistent again it's exhausting when everyone tells you you are fine but pain is an every day thing.
that's awful! is there another Dr you can see? I felt I was getting nowhere with the other Dr, who was nice, but young and a bit inexperienced I think, I was amazed when I saw the other symptoms, crumbling nails, pain all over, could sleep for hours and still not refreshed, was tired all the time, body jerks as I'm going to sleep, heartburn, grinding teeth, feeling like I've not got a coherent thought in my head...... Honestly I know its easier said than done, but insist you are taken seriously, you deserve it !
I have had these pains for 6 years and I wasn't taking the tablets back then but I understand what you are saying
I have something similar with my right hip went to the hospital got a X-ray done thought it was arthritis X-ray results said it wasn’t. My husband thinks it’s sciatic because the pain is going down my leg also it’s a constant pain sometimes I find myself limping because of it. I am not on any antidepressants just co-dydromal 8, a day it’s not even touching the pain with my hip or fibromyalgia. I must go back to see my doctor. I can’t take any anti inflammatory medication because of the hernia I have plus the bile duct problem. I do hope you find out what is going on with your hip and get the right medication.