After eliminating all other causes of pain, I am beginning to think that my unrelenting nauseous pain radiating from buttocks down back of legs might be piriformis syndrom. I’m just wondering if anyone here has been diagnosed with this condition. If so, who should I see about it and what can be done. I am miserable with the pain and fatigue that it’s causing.
Piriformis Syndrom: After eliminating... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Piriformis Syndrom

Google it their are some exercises that may help
Physio or a good massage i use a spiky physio ball
Hi, I had it too and it returns sometimes. YouTube has exercises you can do. It affects a lot of things the legs, the bum and back giving a sciatic pain. Its helpful doing opposite movements to your normal, if that makes any sense.

Thanks for your reply. Mine has been going on for so long now and seems to be getting worse. Will look up the YouTube exercises and give them a go.
Someone just mentioned that the other day... I'm looking into it now!
Been experiencing similar mcglada0 I was diagnosed as cocxydenia but spinal doctor has mentioned this piriformis word- he wants to put me under G.A and manipulate the area along with a steroid injection,, I havnt agreed to it yet, a bit dubious about the G.A due to bad GERD (my father died at my age from this under G.A) i will let you know, but maybe if you havent yet seen a spinal doc you could ask for referal, my orthopod referred me internally.

Thanks for your reply. I am sorry to hear that you have this as well as it’s so debilitating. I can understand your apprehension about GA. could they not do it under LA? It sounds as if this kind of treatment might help. I will mention to my own GP. Let me know how you get on please. Xx
just to add I have a cushion from ebay its for piles and cocxy pain, I sit at the pc on it and use it in the car it really does take the pressure off.- under local L.A would cause too much pain further up the spine i was told and a spinal injection hasnt been agreed- I did ask as an alternative.

thanks for yet another suggestion. I would love a cushion that would take pressure off especially by evening. Could you send me the eBay link for the cushion that you bought please? Thanks. Xx