my insurance wont pay for tramadol anymore! i would like to have an idea of what to excpect my dr to prescribe me instead! any ideas
my insurance wont pay : my insurance... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
my insurance wont pay

A very warm good morning and welcome to the group amandajoy you say your insurance won't pay. I take it you are from the US is that correct?
You never said do you have fibro? To be honest the best people to discuss this with would be your doctors and insurance company to find out exactly what your insurance covers.
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Our lovely members from here and across the pond maybe able to offer you more advice on medication than I can.
I hope you have a pleasant day
Can we assume you are not a UK resident that insurance is involved|?
Hi Amanda I'm in the uk so I'm not sure how much it would normally cost but if u need any other advice regarding tramadol, gabapentine or neproxen im always here all the best amanda and I hope u get the advice u need x
Hi rose iv just linked my email to unlocked so I can still have a natter as all these apps are filling my phone up, how are u?