MST continus and my driving Ban.. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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MST continus and my driving Ban..

Piggery14 profile image
16 Replies

My doctor prescribed MST continus for me, I only took one 15mg tablet at night and I did sleep wonderfully! After about a month of taking this she reported me to the DVLA and I had my driving licence removed!! It did not effect me during the day, because I only took it at night! I don't take it any more but have not got my driving licence back.

The NHS caused my pain that I have had for 12 years! Conspiracy?

Yours Sincerely Lynda

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Piggery14 profile image
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16 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

You may find below helps you understand new driving and drug laws. However as far as I know it is not the GPs responsibility to report what meds you ar taking. Odd that she waited a month too.


This medicine can impair cognitive function and can affect a patient's ability to drive safely. This class of medicine is in the list of drugs included in regulations under 5a of the Road Traffic Act 1988. When prescribing this medicine, patients should be told:

▪ This medicine is likely to affect your ability to drive.

▪ Do not drive until you know how the medicine affects you.

▪ It is an offence to drive while you have this medicine in your body over a specified limit unless you have a defence (called the 'statutory defence').

▪ This defence applies when:

▪ The medicine has been prescribed to treat a medical or dental problem; and

▪ You have taken it according to the instructions given by the prescriber and in the information provided with the medicine

▪ Please not that it is still an offence to drive if you are unfit because of the medicine (i.e. your ability to drive is being affected).”

Details regarding a new driving offence concerning driving after drugs have been taken in the UK may be found here:

Mdaisy profile image

Welcome to FMAUK Community Piggery14 ! :)

I see Bananas5 has provided you with some information to help you.

My questions would be:

a) Did the GP say to you 'Do not drive if you feel drowsy or any other long lasting effects?'

b) Did the GP also signpost you to information on the Drug Driving Law

c) Did you remember driving to an appointment after taking this medication? If so, s/he may have seen some effects and decided s/he felt it was he responsibility to report this for your safety and others.

I wouldn't say a GP would put someone on a medication purely to report them knowing they would have their licence taken away. S/he was treating your pain experience and looking at this from a outsider I would imagine that she must have felt like there was a valid reason to report you. By this I am in no way saying you intentionally meant to break the law and taking stronger opioids like drinking alcohol you can think you are OK to drive and then unknowingly fall victim to being reported to the DVLA. I think it seems from your story that you are one of these cases.

Have you sought legal advice? You've stopped taking them but was the ban for a set period of time?

I sincerely understand how unfair this must feel and it is horrible that it takes away a little bit of independence, however as I say the law does state as above that even with prescription medications you shouldn't drive if it will impair your driving.

The only exception I can see might be in some instance say a condition like Fibromyalgia has brain fog, jerking movements (for some) or pain meaning movement is reduced relating to walking that may be a problem. This could have been wrongly interpreted by a GP as the MST causing this when in fact symptoms of the illness. I guess however that s/he if you've had a long history with this GP and that she knows you well, I am making assumptions now. But all I can say is sorry and is there anyway to appeal or is the decision already been made.

I am sure you'll find this community a helpful and supportive place to be ! :) There's lots of posts to read and many lovely members to talk to as you learn to live with Fibro 24/7.

Please can I provide you with the FMAUK website which has a wealth of information about Fibromyalgia which may be of help to you

As a newbie, please can I mention that members prefer to answer posts that are locked to this community only. If you wish to do this, here's a link that explains how to do it;

Sending best wishes

Emma :)

in reply to Mdaisy

From memory the information about driving on ANY meds that can cause impaired concentration, is usually in large letters on the taking instructions. as has been mentioned fibro affects people in may different ways and not always mentally.

You need to tackle the doctor about that I am sure you are responsible enough not to drive under the influence of a strong drug. How long are you on this stuff?

Piggery14 profile image

I took one 16mg tablet at about 8pm every evening and never in the morning!

She reported me to the DVLA after I had been taking it for a month.

This was very vindictive as my husband had made a complaint to the GMC about her prescribing some medication that patients in renal failure should not take.

I could not drive my husband to dialysis, he was very unwell but has now died. She definitely enhanced his quality of life in his last few months - evil is what she is..

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Piggery14

So sorry for your loss and the difficulties you experienced. If you genuinely feel this to be the case maybe you should seek advice about how to complain about this GP, for you and the rest of society as this is why the GMC is there to regulate.

My condolences to you and your family x

Emma :)

I’m so sorry🙁 You would think she would have discussed this with you.

Beachcomber53 profile image

Unbelievable that your dr didn’t advise you of the consequences at the time of prescribing the drug! Another example of one step forward ten back for fm sufferers :(.

Piggery14 profile image

Thank you everyone for the kind words of support , the opposite I've had from my doctor I should say EX doctor! I have just complained to the GMC, although my husband complained to the GMC about a prescription he was given that should never be given to a patient with renal failure - she was reprimanded and that explains her treatment of me..

Thanks for being there..

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Piggery14

It shouldn't explain her treatment of you as any Medical Professional should be acting appropriately as per the GMC regulatory body. Do let us know how you get on with your complaint to GMC.

Take Care

Emma :)

grandmama16 profile image

That's wrong. I'm not quite sure what MST is. Does continuous mean timed release? My Cymbalta is that. I take Ambien for sleep, sometimes xanax and as far as I know, neither cause anything during the day. I've never taken them during the day. Why why why would Dr. report you? Did she notify you first? I hope you can get your license back. As with most meds of that nature the instructions give you the responsibility to know if and how it affects you? Dr. does not know how it affects are the judge.. at least here in the USA anyway. Sounds like you have been judged without your testimony. Good luck. Be the squeeky wheel.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to grandmama16

MST CONTINUS tablets should be used at 12-hourly intervals. The dosage is dependent upon the severity of the pain, the patient's age and previous history of analgesic requirements.

Piggery14 profile image
Piggery14 in reply to grandmama16

I have not taken MST for four months and did a gradual stop, reducing the dose of the tablets on alternate nights until I was down to nothing. She has replaced the use of MST by another reason - the way that I speak to other people! Her attitude to her patients is totally unpleasant and unethical! She should not be a doctor! I do have a new doctor now but without my driving license it is very difficult to see him. He is the senior partner in the practice.

grandmama16 profile image

Hope the new Dr. can straighten things out. What are you taking now? So hard to find something that works for FM pain. I tried several things before settling on a mild opioid. Is that what MST is?

Piggery14 profile image

MST is morphine, a controlled drug, I'm not taking anything now because I would like my driving licence back. I need my car to drive to see a specialist that my daughter is paying for!

in reply to Piggery14

trouble is once had licence taken you have to declare to insurance so they can whack you as well

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