Hello everyone...I returned my Pip form about 1 month ago and have just received my date for assessment but it will be done in my home , I did not request this so is this normal or do I need to worry more about this...Thankyou for reading...xx
Pip assessment at home: Hello everyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip assessment at home

Thankyou for that Ajay575 . Not sure how they handle these assessments as last one I had was when I was awarded my esa and had to go to the offices for that..
How do you mean ?
I see what you mean...Thankyou for replying...
Is the points system the same as the esa one ?
Thankyou, I will look on it...
This is the trap a lot of people fall into.
I was advised to report how I was on a bad day. Each day is a bad day for me so no problem. However these assessors are run by private companies and many are not trained or qualified to assess the various conditions they are 'assessing'. This scandal is being quite rightly exposed more and more now.
Never budge and give in to agreeing with an interrogator/assessor that any condition is not that bad. This is what these people want you to say. Tell the truth and describe what a s...... condition it is and do not be taken in by any easy going manner. That is my advice anyway. I have a serious neurological condition and several years ago a GP NON NEUROLOGIST came to my house asking me how far I could walk and wouldn't it be wonderful if I could return to work. I said Ecstatic.
She was not even qualified to be assessing my condition in the first place.She was making inappropriate comments about treatment of an incurable condition. I told her that I would pass on her recommendations for treatment to my neurologist who works at a neurological and neurosurgical hospital. She gave me a dirty look and could not get out of the house quickly enough. I reported her to a dr at the DLA who apologised profoundly.
Thanks Ajay. She was advising an anti epileptic drug that I had already been prescribed by a GP without him getting permission to do so from my neurologist. I had assumed he was acting on the instructions of my neurologist but he wasn't..
When my neurologist found out he went spare. Admitted me to hospital where they stopped the drug immediately saying it had made the epilepsy worse. I had 24 simple and complex partial seizures in 24 hours but was safe as in a specialist neurological and neurosurgical hospital under strict medical supervision with constant eeg monitoring etc. Not suggesting anyone else should stop meds though.
A nurse 'assessed' a friend of mine and made a false report. His seizures increased as he lost his payment, however I told him to get a copy of his medical records and to send me a copy of an investigation, MRI scan of his brain. The Report stated he has mesial temporal sclerosis which is what I have. It is scarring in the brain is progressive causing medically refractory epilepsy.
He appealed and won his case getting back payments plus an increase in benefits. This is the stigma of epilepsy at work by biased people. Never have any assessment without a witness.
Hi my assessment was done at home by a physiotherapist however she typed everything in the report. It is very important to have someone there with you, to open the door to the assessor etc. I had a lady from Fightback 4Justice with me who had completed my forms for me. Good luck x
Hi ritzy123
I had my self assessment done at home and I can only speak for myself. The assessor that I had was very nice and helpful to the point that she was putting words into my mouth to help with my case. The others have given you good advice. However you must always always tell them about your worse days and there is no good days because some of these assessor will always do there reports on your better days and never your worst days. I didn’t get dressed for her arriving I had my pjs and dressing gown and my wrist straps. As Ajay says they can assess you in your bed if need be. Please remember to have all your medication out for them to put into the report and any corespondent from the hospital or gp and I even mean appointment letters and everything that you can put your hands on. I gave them everything to support my case. Also if you can get a letter from your gp that will also help but it’s not necessary. If they ask how you walk around your home tell them with great difficulty and you have to hold on to everything even when you go to the bathroom and you need help having your bath. At times my oh had to cut my food because my wrist where so sore that I couldn’t even cut my own foods. I even cried at the assessment as I realised how ill I was and also I felt embarrassed. It all helps. However in my case I was telling the truth and when they agreed to give me my pip I got enhanced rate on both and it’s on going to. So I don’t have it for a few years that means that they can assess me again when ever they want. I truly wish you all the best of luck and could you please let us know how you get on. Love and hugs 🤗🤗🌹🌹😘😘👍
I've just had my pip face to face at home, I was expecting her tomorrow but got my dates mixed up, I am in such a state, firstly the door went and I had to struggle downstairs to open it. I hadnt washed brushed my hair or anything, i was still in my nightie. I had not even had any painkillers. The lady was very nice and did offer to reschedule but as I was in such a state pain and mobility ways this morning I thought it best just to get on with it. I ended up in tears, it really brought it home to me when answering her questions just how incapable I actually am. I applied in January and this is me only getting my assessment now. I rang 2 weeks ago to query it and got the letter offering the home visit. How long will it take to get a decision? My husband did want to be with me and had booked tomorrow off. My son was at home. I so hope I get it. I have had a rough time lately and been in hospital. I've had a scan and my liver and pancreas ducts are swollen. On top of Rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia I really don't need any more stress. I am so worried. Sorry for blabbing on.
I have no one to help me or be with me. I've just filled my Attendance Allowance form in myself and sent it off. I'm too old to claim pip as I'm 67.
I've received a letter back telling me my application has been refused, so I rang and asked for a written explanation of how they came to that decision. Needles to say, I didn't receive one, so had to send a mandatory reconsideration request letter back without knowing exactly why they decided I don't reach the criteria.
I really haven't a clue what I'm doing and have no one to help me. I know I can appeal if they don't reverse their decision, which I'm sure they won't, but really haven't a clue about the appeal process. Also, I don't know if once the appeal has gone through, if they decide I can't have it, can I apply for it again or is that it? Are you only allowed one application? Is the appeal decision the final and only chance I get?
Sorry, I shouldn't have posted this here really but can't seem to get any help anywhere else.
Ireally don't know about this, have you got a citizens advice near you as they do help you with everything to do with these forms and appeals...I do hope you get help soon and wish you all the very best with your appeal....you may wish to do a new post about this as there will be lots of people going or gone through what you are going through and it all helps you...goodluck....
Thanks ritzy 12, yes we do save a Citizens Advice here but it's so difficult to get an appointment and even the help phonelines are always engaged.
I have made a new post before but didn't get hardly anyone replying.
Thank you for your reply and good wishes, appreciated. 😊 💕
Hi, just reading through your answers and when you started a new thread did you put Mandatory appeal- what do I do ? In your title...so people who have or are going through same as you can answer you...as I am sure there will be more than you think going through these procedures...xxx
The important thing to remember - Always ensure that you show your worst days.
Don't go fussing about over them!
If you struggle to care for yourself let them see that.
Don't offer to make them a drink.
If you are in bed, all the better. Have someone there to answer the door.
Never tell them what you can do, Tell them what you can't do!
Good luck.
Thank you so much Quirister, I didn't understand about this when I filled in the application form so may not have put down the worst it can be. Although I did explain better in my mandatory reconsideration letter.
I am now more aware of what I need to do. Your help is much appreciated. 😊 💕
Points mean prizes? Ugh what a way to deal with the diversity of human need!
I had mine at home but the assessor said it was because I had cancer within the last two years. It was fine though, she was lovely and seemed to have a good understanding of Fybro. Not got decision yet so fingers crossed. Good luck x