So recently I've been feeling more tired that usual, recently I had a sore throat and a cough but the sore throat went away, I was just left with the cough. It was pretty painful, but on Saturday out of nowhere I started to feel cold, and my belly started to feel bad and I wanted to be sick. I got into bed, but I was shivering and my teeth were chattering. My head started banging and I was so cold I was numb but my face/head was burning up and my breath was red hot on my skin. I couldn't stop coughing, it was right in my lungs/chest and it was really painful. If I moved the room started spinning. I got up and put some layers on and shut the windows even though it was fairly warm outside, but then my temperature soared up and I was red hot to the touch. I still couldn't stop shaking, I was absolutely burning. I didn't move from bed for a couple of hours, then I had some paracetamol and I got up to get a glass of water. My eyes felt funny and I was dizzy, but I got back to bed safely. By that time I was too hot to cope and I took my layers off and just lay there under my duvet. Slowly I started to feel better, and I was well enough to sit up. I had another glass of water, by that time I was a lot cooler and my skin wasn't so hot. I went downstairs and had a snack, then I opened my windows and turned the fan on, but it was too hot for a duvet. I went to sleep, but I woke in the night with chills. I got under my duvet and stayed there, but even fully covered my teeth were chattering and I was shivering like crazy. I got up and closed the windows and turned my fan off and the cold air hit me and made me shiver more than anything, but I got up on Sunday and I felt okay to start with, but then I started to get a chill, once again my face was red hot. I live in a communal area and everybody else was pretty hot apparently, I couldn't make out what the temperature was as I was so cold. I couldn't stop coughing and my nose was heavily blocked. I went back to bed, and stayed there the rest of the day until it was evening, by which time I was pretty hungry. I went downstairs and put a ready meal in the oven, but that night I had a crazy coughing fit. I drank some water, but it didn't help and I was sick. Originally it was a very large glob of mucus, but as I continued to be sick it was my dinner. I started coughing again. I went back to bed and had another drink of water, then at some point I went to sleep and work up at two a.m. this morning. My housemate got me two cold and flu capsules, then he went out and I went back to bed to rest. He came back from the shop shortly later and gave me some Lemsip capsules, so I waited another 4-5 hours and took some more. He got me a bottle of Lucozade but it didn't taste right and I left the majority of it. I didn't move from my room all day, coughing like crazy until I decided to go downstairs and inhale steam. It didn't really make a difference, so I mixed some honey with boiled water and drank it, it was nice but didn't really do much for my throat or cough. I didn't have an appetite which isn't normal for me, so I drank a lot of liquids. I had another freezing cold chill and went to bed about 5.45ish this evening, but I couldn't get warm. Eventually after laying there for a while, by this time I was warmer, I sneezed and had a huge amount of snot/mucus came out (sorry for all the gruesome details but I'm hoping that if people know as much as possible they'll be able to suggest what's wrong with me.) I went to the bathroom and blew my nose, then I went back to bed and fell asleep, but I woke roughly 45 minutes later coughing. It seems to be worse when I'm lying down. I got up and sneezed again and blew my nose, then had another glass of water and now I'm currently sat up in bed, more on the warmer side. I know that it won't be the last time and I'll more than likely have it for a while but every time I cough it feels like my throat is going to rip apart and these chills are messing with my sleep pattern.
It may be a coincidence, but I only started coughing and having a sore throat after I went to my Mum's house, and she's a chainsmoker and I was around second hand smoke pretty much the whole time. I know there was a bug going round my household roughly the same time, but I'm not sure which two started it.
Does anyone know what's going on with me? Thank you so much.
Also I've not long turned seventeen if that helps any? Sorry for how long this post was x