Well on 1st April this year my back went my GP prescribed Pregabalin 50mg three times a day by way of a phone call, I tried it and it knocked me out and I didn't touch it after that I took 5mg diazepam to relax the muscles which helped and helped me sleep at night, it took 3 weeks to get downstairs and be able to walk a bit, then on the 20th April I was cleaning my teeth in the bathroom and my back went again, omg the pain, I couldn't move, I cried, my husband eventually got me to the bed, I couldn't stand when I tried it looked like my feet were turning blue and shaking from pain, I eventually tried the Pregabalin 50mg and stopped the diazepam, this time I didn't feel so bad on the Pregabalin it didn't knock me out like the first time I tried it, and it took about a week to feel a bit better, I was trapped upstairs with a commode by my bed, eventually I could manage walking to the bathroom, my husband has been helping with everything, washing dressing ect then after about 2 -3 weeks I could manage to get down the stairs slowly, I am still trapped as my back is not right, but I can get in the garden and sit although I can't sit for long as my coccyx hurts so much it feels like someone has kicked me up the bum really hard, it is so frustrating not being able to bend and do things, I must add that 30 years of being in the care profession ruined my back and my back has not been the same, then 3 years ago when I was in hospital for 3 days with back pain, the xray said wear and tear, my rheumatologist said its degeneration of the spine, I can't stand for any periods of time as it aches like hell, anyway I am praying that I can eventually walk up the road with my doggie, and be able to bend a bit. I always try to look on the bright side and at the moment it is being able to sit in the sun for a short while.
The Lockdown and me: Well on 1st April... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
The Lockdown and me

(((Hugs))) xxx
I feel for you.my Back was creaky in February.
I went to my sports physio,who informed me her practice was withdrawing from this area.! I was horrified.
Then came lockdown ,before Icould
Find another physio.
I was prescribed Gapapentin.
After a month getting worse,Ihad a phone consultation with GP.
Heagreed could try Amitryptline and it has helped to some degree. It has enabled me to do my exercises a little bit.the pain has settled down slightly it has affected my Mobility,which is not good as I have a lung disease.
The positive news is I have found a physio,who will treat me when she is allowed to, can’t wait.
I’ve been managing my creaky back for years with physio and gym exercise.
Lockdown has been a nightmare for my back problem.
Sorry to ra. Le on. I hope your back Improves.
Hi Oshgosh
I was prescribed amitriptyline but didn't take it, but this pregabalin is good, it is for nerve pain and works, I can sleep at night and I don't get woken up with a anxiety attack, anyway thank you for the reply☺️
so sorry you are going through this, no words of wisdom but I have identical pain right at the base of my spine and like you I now cannot stand for long, find it hard even sitting in a different chair like if I sit out in the garden it aggravates my spine .. it does get you down I am also on pregabaline and it does help hope you can meet your aim of taking the dog for a walk I couldn't take ours he is as big as me it would be more of a case of him taking me take care now xx
hi Pat
sorry to hear you have similar issues with your back, I've got fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism which makes me feel so tired and ache all over, life is truly a pain in the arse, but hey life goes on, I must say those pregabalin are quite good, i am amazed at being able to sleep most nights, i have been taking them for 7 weeks, anyway take care and have a nice day.
Thanks I am in 300 mg daily now and they really help my anxiety as well so a win win for me 🙂plus my hot water bottle thry are my best friends 🤣xxx
How long have you been taking the pregabalin? I'm only asking as I'm taking 150mg daily and I'm still getting shooting pain, like a electric shock, in my spine, it's not constant, just comes and goes unexpectedly. Also I had these strange pin head spots come up on my legs😬
Omg u going threw the wars so sorry hope you feeling bit better I did care years ago mine hasn’t been the same since either but had mri I have a bulged disc I’m in terrible pain with it wen I take my dogs out I have to keep sitting on benches cause it’s agony wat dog have u got xx
Thank you, I have a small dog, cross between a jack Russel X westie but I'm sure he is more Yorkie X jack Russel, I'm afraid I got him on gumtree, he is 7 years old now, we received him when he was 7 weeks, we didn't know at the time till the vet checked him over, we were told he was 9 weeks old when we bought him, his name is Pepper, he is the most intelligent dog I've known, my first journey downstairs after being a prisoner upstairs, Pepper was behind me, gently pushing his little wet nose on my leg each step of the way.
He is my baby, I love him to bits,sorry got carried away, take care and thanks for your reply xx
I’m so sorry you have such awful pain with your back. I’ve been on Cocodamol and Gabapentin for years with my back ( had a disc removed as it came out and wrapped round sciatic nerve) when it’s really bad these work well for me and quickly.
I hope you get some proper relief soon . Gentle hug for you x