Hello I received a letter from DWP telling me they will stop taking payments for my social Fund lone as I would no longer be getting ESA I have no clue why they are stoping my ESA kind regards cliff
ESA : Hello I received a letter from... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Which ESA group are you in? Support or WRAG?
If you are in the WRAG group it could be you are only getting it for 12 months.
When did you first start getting ESA?
I’m in support group I just received a renewal award in May I have just moved to my present address 6 weeks ago the letter I got was about my social fund lone it says they will stop takeing payment as I will no longer be getting ESA
Yes I understood about the social fund but not why they are stopping SA.
Have you notified them of your new address? They did stop my DLA after I moved...said something about a letter they sent to me which was returned. That was rubbish
Probably best to ring them and ask what they are up to
I am intrigued
Yes I did notify them of change of address and I asked them for proof of my benefit award to be sent to my new address which they did x
Baffled then.
Ring and ask and please let us know what they say
Phoned DWP this morning lady I spoke to went through my clam and said it was fine so my ESA is not stopping she did not know why they sent me a letter saying my ESA was stopping
Yes I will do that
When you tell ESA you are moving it requires then to make a change in the system. All changes automatically stops all linked benefits and payments until they are reviewed as a mechanism to stop over payments.
As long as your benefits are still in payment and the only change is your address it will all sort itself out
I found this out when we got a “you owe rent money” letter, the full rent is covered by housing benefits so this shouldn’t be possible. It was ESA catching up.
Not strictly true. I have moved many times and only time there was a mini hiccup was moving abroad.
DWP recommend you tell them immediately AFTER a payment has been made. So if you are paid 4 weekly then give them 3 weeks notice.
It is how the system works
It doesn’t affect your ESA payments but it does affect the payment of anything that rely on ESA as a qualifying benefit until the other benefits or loan repayment amount are reviewed.
Housing Benefit is paid weekly in our area so there is no good time to inform DWP of the move.
Housing Benefit was set up before the move and stopped as soon as ESA were informed that we had moved.
Housing Benefit took one look at the account and it was reinstated within 24 hours.
I have moved many times but not had this problem I so far have been getting my ESA payments.But anytime I have move before i did not have a social fund lone to pay back.
Oh weird, I've moved since being on ESA and they never stopped my money.