Morning All, I hope you are all managing to be kind to yourselves, and pacing it through this hectic time of year. I have a question, does anyone else keep suffering with bad colds, that end up on their chests? I am going through it a second time in as many months, and had it at the beginning of the year too. Just wondering if the Fibro is making it worse, as can't seem to just have a cold, always ends up knocking me down and out.x
Recurring Colds: Morning All, I hope... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Recurring Colds

Hi. I loathe getting a cold, so at the first sign, runny nose, I start gargling with TCP, I do it for a couple of days and it works for me. I am usually able to fight a cold off before it gets started.
Hopefully you wouldn't get a chest problem.
I know I'm probably jinxing myself saying this but I haven't caught a cold in a long time. I don't know if that's because I have been slightly more reclusive this last 18mths or not but I can't recall the last time I had one. I know of someone who used to swear by raw garlic and would eat it at the hint of anything, cold, tummy bug etc. and I believe they were very rarely sick. If you can't stomach that I know some people find taking Echinacea can help with cold symptoms. Hope you feel better soon hun. xxx
Hi Ramjets, many thanks. I eat loads of garlic, but it's cooked, may have to try the raw. Just can't seem to shake them. Every time I just about feel alright, another one comes and knocks me down, and then the Fibro kicks in, and makes my whole body hurt.xx
Yes like most things it does lose a lot of it nutrients through cooking. Eating it raw can be a bit tough on your tummy so if you're going to do it, I would start on a small amount initially and chop it up into very small pieces so you can take it like pills with a glass of water. Or you could just add it to meals. You can add it raw to pasta sauce, soups and even mash potato once they have cooled down a bit. You could even sprinkle finely chopped garlic on top of buttered toast. If you're that way inclined, making your own hummus is a good way to get lots of raw garlic into your system. Might be a bit whiffy but hopefully it will help stave off those nasty colds! Take care hun. xxx
I did initially find that since Fibro, not only was I getting more colds, but they would last for weeks, and no sooner clear up than I would get another. I eventually took a chance, and whilst in a well known supermarket one day I paid to have a flu jab. I have been having the every year for the past 4 years, and so far only had one cold, which was very mild and gone in a week.
Em xx
Thanks. I tried it last year, but still got knocked down by cold. May give it another go. All the best.x