So, I have lower back problems. L4 & L5 and I have fm too. In the last year I had an MRI to see what was going on down there . Or so I thought. Turns out they didn't look low enough to look at my hips. I got very upset, disenchanted and very tired of the whole system. I know I have to find it in myself to go through the whole process again and make sure they do a proper scan. I was wondering if hip pain is normal with fm sufferers? Just seen a post with someone else having those symptoms. I've not known for the past year if I have problems with my hips or if it is fibromyalgia?! Is it a common thing? I'm sick of going to the docs. They make me feel like I'm making it all up. It's a very shaming process that I'm sick of going through. Much kudos to all you guys here x
Pain in my hips: So, I have lower back... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain in my hips

Hi Enki1260 ,
I understand exactly where you're coming from and share your frustration.
I had back problems years before I was diagnosed with Fibro. Its was pretty much ignored by my previous gp who wouldn't agree to an MRI. Eventually after experiencing additional health problems I found this forum and with the help and encouragement of people on here, I pushed for a referral and was diagnosed with Fibro two years ago. A few months later I had an MRI and was then diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my lower back L1, L2, and L3. Now I've noticed pain higher up in my back, my hip joints, my knees, fingers and neck. Walking and standing is increasingly more painful for me. Sitting is more painful also.
I'm seeing my new gp next week, she's really nice - but I'm almost anticipating her saying there's not need for further MRIs because of may age 54 and its just the osteo spreading. I may be totally wrong to worry about how she'll respond because she's been great so far. So I'm more encouraged to at least ask for further investigation.
Personally, I feel I can tell the difference between my fibro pain and osteo pain. I think having fibro makes the osteo worse and harder to manage.
You do need to know what is going on in your body to enable you to manage your treatment effectively. Try to make an appointment with another gp in your surgery. My new gp is young and not so set in her ways and more willing to explore things and work with me.
I've beed using tiger balm and magnesium cream when my back and knees are really bad.
Good luck hun, keep us posted.
LG x

Hi i have pbc and get a lot of aches and pains, for the last couple of weeks i have had lots of pain in my hip joints pain is very bad in my knees my neck and sometimes in my fingers, what i find that i cant get my head round is when i go out sometimes i walk as if ive had a few,i have a dr appointment on monday i do a bit of exercise onece a week to keep every thing working try to be motivated im just turned 70,lets see how monday goes.

Thank you Ladygelf!
Relate to lots of that. I will take some action. Kind Regards x
Good Morning Hun,
I can completely empathize with this, will give you a quick run over of my story!
I first started getting pains in my pelvis just over five years ago (I was 19) when I went to the doctors all they kept telling me was that I had an STI - I had had the same boyfriend since I was 14!! I had to go for multiple STI checks over a few months before they would believe me! I then had MRI's, X-rays, Bloods, 2 x Exploratory operations, Physio, Chiropractor, you name it I had it. They couldn't find anything wrong with me apart from a little bit of damage to my lower vertebra. I had to go to so many specialists, get told there was nothing wrong with me before I finally got a diagnosis, like you said it was a long and often frustrating and upsetting process. I got there in the end and I know you will to but I really had to keep pushing to get people to listen to me xxx
I get aching and pain in my hips after I stand for "too long" (which actually isn't long at all) it's the only thing I think yoga actually helps for me, I stand on a block or a few books with one leg and go up and down to tiptoes and back down for a bit and then swap sides, it seems to relieve the pain a little, I dunno if your pain is too bad for this but it helps me xx
I have pain in the hop area and have for over a year. Initially I thought it was my hips them selves but now it seems to be more the ligaments and muscles surrounding them.. I'm out in the car when I work and often have to drive round with the heated seat on even in the hottest of weather to try and ease it. Also sometimes when I'm sat even on the sofa it feels like I'm sat on a brick wall with snooker balls stuck on the top of it digging into my bones..
My Rheumatologist told me it can all be connected to the fibro
That sounds awful, so sorry TillyT68. After reading all yal guys experience and knowing my body a little I think it is the fibromyalgia. But, I'm still gonna get checked out x
I think if it's something you are unsure of it's better to seek medical advice.. I'm only recently diagnosed with fibro and now have a silly fear that something serious might get missed in the future because it will automatically get shoved in with the fibro 😕
That's interesting, never thought about the ligaments x