Hello, my shared care worker at my GP Surgery has given me a support letter stating my health issues and also states that I'm not fit to work. Will the Assessment decision makers consider this ?
ESA Assessment.: Hello, my shared care... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA Assessment.

All information will be considered but if you are called for a medical assessment that Doctors decision will over rule your GP or healthcare assistant ,
Hello Rose, Thanks for replying. It's hard because when I go to Assessments in the past my symptoms are stable, the medications keep my angina and emphysema comfortable until I go over a steady walk speed or go up stairs. So the Assessment staff never see me struggling and they ask you to lift your arm's legs and turn your head and most people can do this so your fit for work once you move arms legs and head in the way they think. I need to try show some how that my legs have bad circulation problems and when sitting my feet or legs can go dead no feeling. Sorry to go on but also my GP will not write support letter for me, he feels I'm fit for work but he wrongly diagnosed my emphysema. I was told years ago at Hospital I had it but when I asked him to diagnose me he done test on computer and said nothing wrong. 2 years on he acquires the correct test equipment and diagnosis me positive. I need to change GP I shouldn't be going thru all this stress like so many other unwell people. Never mind I have till 8th December 2017 when I go to Assessment. All the Best. Rose. Victor.
Hi Johnyhasgone
I know it difficult but what they are looking for is trying to get as many as possible to be in employed work even if only for a few hours .
Just state that you may be able to do them for a while but not continually as any movement will effect your breathing due to emphysema ..
You are unable to sit for long as your legs go to sleep and you then have problems getting up and are unsafe .
GPs don't get everything right but they do their best not a job I would like
GPs also know with ESA its down to DWP medical experts and they are reluctant to write letters .
Good Luck
Hello all new information/letters are to be sent 7 days before the hearing.. good luck on the appeal x
YES they will consider it but it means nothing to them as they go on what their own assessors say