Hi does anyone else find there pain get worse in the cold weather?
Pain: Hi does anyone else find there... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes my fibro syptoms get worse in winter awful im wrapped up like a mummyb

Yes, definitely
Try a thermal vest, and you can thermal tights or even men's long johns - they won't be seen if you're wearing trousers.
For indoors you can use heatpacks, hot water bottles, you can also get electric type fleeces to wrap around you.
I want to escape to warmer isles. My pain does worsen in cold weather. Best to stay indoors wrapped up. Even my cats are snuggling up with me. Xx
I have been fortunate to have moved to Cyprus and what a difference! The warmer climate has certainly kept my pain to a much lower level. I have had only two flares in over two years as, believe it or not, it can suddenly get cold on a warm day and when I was out bowling one day last winter I didn't take extra clothing and could feel the pain building on the way home. Ibuprofen, fleece dressing gown and a blanket plus a hot toddy and I felt better after a couple of hours. The pains lasted for a few days. I now make sure I take extra jackets in the car during the winter months.
Hi margiebe, Sounds like the warm Cyprus climate has helped you in a big way. My thermo heat regulators are really out of whack with fibromyalgia. Do you miss anything about the UK? X
I miss seeing my children and grandchildren as regularly as I did but we talk on Skype every week to catch up. Once my 4 kids went away to university they stayed away so our get-togethers became fewer and far between anyway. They do visit and we spend 6 weeks in the UK in the summer - too hot here - and I manage two trips in the winter to see them. Apart from that we have a good, busy life here with bowling and ten pin, a pool in the garden and the sea is lovely. We have also saved quite a bit on rent and local taxes so we can afford to go travelling. I do have a problem with excessive sweating but I carry a small towel everywhere and sit under a fan or air con if it gets too much. The benefits of less pain far out weigh the hot downside!! Hope you are coping with your pain xx
Hi margiebe, Apart from missing your grandchildren, you sound like you have lovely life in Cyprus. The fact your symptoms have improved is proof that a warm climate is beneficial. I have two daughters, one is away at university in her final year. I have two grandchildren that I am lucky to see regularly as they live close by. Take care xx
Yes I struggle in winter, on a massage heating pad now and wrap my hand in microwave heat wrap. I don't look forward to going out for groceries tomorrow😞 nite. Chris x
In my state of Md we have grocery deliveries at stores called "Giant and Safeway".Maybe you should google in your area
New dental pain evey year it turns cold 😭
morning Daniell think my pain is worse this year not much fun x
Hi danielle , i find that my fibro gets much worse in the cold weather causing more freqent flare ups and pain. Just wrap up warm and i find my hot water bottle helps take care xx
I do plus as I have Reynaulds the cold weather really doesn’t help. I use Thermal clothing and footwear which really does help. Don’t forget if an area gets really cold, warm it up slowly and don’t go plunging fingers or feet straight into hot water.
Yes, afraid so. I find thermal insoles very good even in slippers.
Cold and damp weather make not only my pain worse, but also make me almost too stiff to move. I've heard of Stiff person Syndrome; could this be part of it?