Hi everyone, just wanted to talk about Strictly Come Dancing. Did anyone else have a few tears ?? Oh my god.. that flippin Craig Revel Horwood, what was he thinking....4 for Aston and Jeanette. That was a joke. If he hadn't scored him low like that I am sure he would still be in it. The voting public thought that they were a dead cert so didn't worry about voting for them. It just goes to show, we HAVE TO VOTE for our favourites to stay in. Poor Molly and CJ should never have been there either, as I didn't want either of them to go. If people are just keeping in the FUN acts , because they are fun, then this is WRONG !!! Don't get me wrong , I do love Anton and Ruth, Kevin and Susan and Oti and Jonnie, but their dancing abilities are not as good as the others.If things worked out properly, we could have at least another 3 weeks until it gets to knocking out the good ones. Poor old Zoe was in tears too on, It Takes Two. We are all going to miss seeing the fantastic dances that Jeanette had planned for them both. What a shame. I really love my Strictly, but Craig needs to buck his ideas up [ moody sod] love to all Mandy xx
I'm still in Strictly shock!!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I'm still in Strictly shock!!!!

It was a shocker I love Aston too,an Jeanette is one of my fave pro dancers,I though he would be in till the very end,for sure😞i can think of pleanty of other people who should have gone before them,there was me thinking Craig was being a bit nicer this year😕im really beginning too believe it is fixed,Aston's wife is due her baby in Jan. But has been told it might come early,😕it makes you wonder x

Hi Strictly fans, I agree. I've said that before too ! It really does make you wonder about the scoring sometimes . We know that Debbie is doing well, but it seems to me that she is always put on a pedestal. Like when Craig bowed down, and Shirley called her to the desk to give her the Latin Queen appraisal ! talk about teachers pet !! I am in my 50's too, so are thousands of other people. So what if you are over 50, you are not on the scrap heap!!! They keep going on about her age like she is 80 ! Yes, she does dance well, but more credit needs to be given to some of the others, who deliver just a great performance, instead of criticising and insulting them. I will say, at least Shirley does look out for stuff the others don't , and give extra marks . Keep dancin' xx Mandy
Yes I quite like Shirley, she's firm but fair,I do think Debbie's amazing, and it would be nice for an older women too win but I get what your saying.'keep dancing'😀xx
Do you know the american on he does too on a Monday lost a dancer too i think its a joke

It's Bruno Tonioli who is one if the judges with Len Goodman on Dancing with the stars.x
I don't know what you mean ???
there like an american stricktly that len and i am sure its him work on like on a Monday and Tuesday and they got rid of one of the best dancers last week
Dancing with the stars thats what it called
Ok, I am with you now!! I haven't watched Dancing With The Stars for a long time. What TV channel is it on please ?? Yes , Len went to work on that show. I do miss him. Perhaps we could get rid of Craig and get him back ,ha ha
i watch it on youtube but now the person who went out last week aint in it don't think ill be watching again i love len iv not really watched any of x factor or strictly this year

Don't get me going that was terrible a 4 from misery guts one bad dance and booted out grrrr he was one of my favourites dancing was great, thinking Bruno my fav judge he's always fair , apparently in the press Shirley had tutored aj at her dancing school ummm. Well liking Alexander Debbie will have to watch the professional male dancers for the eye candy ha ha otherwise could have easily switched off. Xx
I hear you hun and thousands of others, Id love to put Craig on the dance floor and then judge him after, seriously I used to teach latin & ballroom and Im afraid Aston did not do a viennese waltz! whoever wrote the correography for that dance needs shooting! SOME of the contestants have danced before and it shows- that wasnt what strictly was supposed to be about,,BUT the crux is VOTE!!!
Oh yeh!!! we all need a bit of eye candy now and again !!!! I love Aliaj [think that's how you spell it ?] and Gorka the corker ! they are my toy boy fancies .ha ha. Strictly always delivers. Also , I am so glad Dancing on ice is returning... yippee. What with Get Me Out Of Here soon too...the winter won't seem so bad . luv Mandy xx
I do agree with you Nurse Gladys. Astons dance didn't meet the criteria of a Viennese waltz, but I feel the choreographers do sometimes get a bit self indulgent , wishing to show off their skills and pushing their luck with lifts etc , at the cost of the celebrity. Look at poor Davood 's Rhumba, he only danced what he was taught, but it was him who got told off. Perhaps they need to bring in a yellow card system as a warning, get 3 and you are out. Maybe then the teachers would behave themselves and stick to the rules. [Obviously not all of them are naughty !!]
I have actually stopped watching it this year as I felt the last few seasons that the show was starting to have its own agenda. Also they were having too many people in it which who had previously had dance training. Debbie used to be a professional dancer. I know she hasn't done it for years but it is like riding a bike you never forget. I used to love to see someone who has never been on a dance floor in their lives slowly progress and astound us all. Now we have so many actors etc who have been through drama school where they learn to dance as part of the curriculum. It doesn't make it a fair playing field. Miss the dresses though, lol.x
Yes I see where you are coming from with that. It is lovely to see non dancers learn a new skill , and they do seem to get a few with dancing experience and acting skills that others have never had. It does make for an unfair advantage sometimes. But going back to the early days, they have always had a mix like this. Sports people may have more strength and stamina also, compared to others who are not as fit. Maybe they should put like with like....eg newsreaders and journalists together one year, comedians the next and so on, that would be farer don't you think ??
Yes she was actually a ballet soloist at one time but later she also performed in a dancing troupe. She has kept herself in great shape.x
It would be a shame if there was a hidden agenda on the show?? I don't think so ?? but my mum and I have often said that the voting system is invisible, so how do we really know what's going on with the counting ?? That goes for every show that needs audience votes. We only know what they tell us , don't we? xx
As a former (and long ago!) ballroom dancer myself I enjoy Strictly as entertainment, but it is the phone in vote which decides who is in the Danceoff.
What annoys me most, (apart from the two faced Craig) is that the show gives people the wrong idea about Ballroom dance. Strictly is very hothoused, intensive training, not in the basics, but in the tricks of Exhibition dancing. If you went to a dance, you would not find all these acrobatic moves, nor would you find them at a standard dance competition, where dancers would have learned over many years the basics and subtleties of each dance. The only Ballroom dancer on the Judging panel is Shirley, Craig comes from Musical Theatre, Darcey is from Ballet, and Bruno came up from small dance groups on TV shows. All these are vastly different disciplines.
As I said, I enjoy Strictly as entertainment, but it isn't really Ballroom.
I too am looking forward to Dancing on Ice returning.
Hi Midori, thanks for that information ! It just goes to show what goes on .As you say, Shirley is the only person qualified to judge about the ballroom technique. I think she had an awful decision to make on Saturday, but as Astons dance wasn't a correct Viennese waltz , she had to opt for Molly as a better performance. Like I said above, perhaps they should remind the choreographers of the dances, to not break the rules to suit them, as it's only the celebs that suffer in the end. xx
I was very sad to see Aston leave, I thought he would be there for ages as he is so good. We were away so I couldn’t watch it live or vote.