Hi just been refused pip had my points I had took of me because I can speak on the phone normally and went to normal school so nothing wrong with me lol 😂 I have fibromyalgia chronic migraines and bowel problems which makes me incontinent they have took my making food and dressing points of me because I take low dosage of pain relief although I explained I have taken everything under the sun which does not help and give me more side effects than any help I have been to pain clinic twice who suggest pacing myself and asking for help from others which gets me through now I am still in pain every day but learn to live with it the assessor just kept saying I couldn’t be in pain and there could manage to cook and dress myself although I Carnt wash myself and mange toilet which they gave me points for I am appealing but want to know best way to word things and also could I say tht how would they know Wht I can and Carnt do when there is no evidence of medicals as I have had before which said I needed aids for all situations thank you sorry it’s a long post hope it make sense thanks again
Pip appeal : Hi just been refused pip... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip appeal

I asked similar question (physical examination) as that in a complaint about my assessment . The long winded answer I got back says the HP who carries out the assessment does not have to carry out a physical examination or actually see you perform a task to form an opinion if you can perform that task or not. The HPs training and other information provided helps them form that opinion. Asking them questions as i did increases the likehood of them contacting your GP for a factual report.
Thanks for info just don’t see how they can give a judgement on ur pain when they Carnt see Wht u can or cannot do but suppose tht the way things are at the moment I would be quite happy for them to contact my doctor for info
Hi I just got mine back and was the same because I communicated well and wasn’t anxious that I was fine which I don’t understand so just because I can speak means I ok I have put in for a reconsideration and send supporting letter and latests letters from neologist My advice would be to keep fighting your case don’t give up
Hi yes I’m defo not giving up just makes u feel like u begging for things which I hate. Hope yours goes all ok fingers crossed for you good luck
Yeah I understand what you mean just so frustrating I was 2 points of standard living and 4 points of standard mobility I sent a letter with the last consultation with my neurologist saying my symptoms have worsened and that she will refer me to a professor if she can’t find why I have the symptoms I do have I’m really hoping this helps as I don’t think I could deal with the stress of a tribunal Fingers crossed for you too
I know what you mean about letter from specialist I am under 2 different specialists along with my own GP and when I done a complaint to the ICA in the past he explained to me that sometimes less is more as to what the DWP are looking for in relation your illness and a letter from my Rheumathologist back to my GP with only two lines added in meant more than the 30 or more letters I had earlier supplied with my forms Usuall the letters specialias write back to your GP have Diagnosis and medication on it with pathway to treatment but what the DWP are looking for is the disabling effects your illness has on you I thought a letter from a kidney specialist explaining result of kidney biopsy and stage 4 CKD and stating on that letter we discussed the progression to kidney failure was powerful information but a leter from a Rheumathologist with 2 extra lines was what was they were looking for
Would your GP give you a supporting letter if you doing an MR and the dressing and undressing should be fairly easy for a GP to give as it should be on your medical records if you were ever examined you would need help with dressing and undressing to be examined I saw it on mine
That should help especially if it was from your consultant or GP letter you provided but if it was just wrote by a HP assessor then they are tryi g to say you improved since your last assessment i had similar in relation to ESA in the past and they ignored a past report and tried to take me off support group
Take a look at my previous post here and I think you will find all the information you need to present your appeal in the best possible way healthunlocked.com/fibromya...