has anybody had a PIP appeal and got it overturned?I’ve got mine next Tuesday and really worried
Pip appeal: has anybody had a PIP... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip appeal

I have not done it, but have heard that in the majority of cases the tribunal goes against the decision of DWP
Can you get help from someone or are you doing it on your own?
Wish all goes well for you
Yes I have. I felt really vulnerable at the time but they agreed with me and I was awarded the mobility part of PIP. I had my review around June time this year and even though things have got worse and are long term, PIP decided to take it away with out a real explanation. So I am going to appeal again. The worst thing is I have a car on mobility and that goes back, actually a week on Monday. It’s a really rubbish system as my husband takes me to appointments in it and they don’t see that. And you get some really rude people at DWP they have no care that your car is a life line, I don’t actually drive but that’s not the point.
Hi, Personally I'd advise to have someone with you preferably someone who knows what they are doing. Otherwise you will be prone to trip yourself up.
All the best and good luck
Both my wife and I are on PIP and every time we are reassessed we appealed about the decision. I am presently going through the process again and have just sent my forms off....Try not to worry we won every time on the mandatory decision. Do not let them win .
I have had appeal 4 times generally the decision is overturned.. you have tell them how you manage daily. And how the condition affects you daily just anwser what they ask.
good luck you will be okay 👍🏼
Hi, I have had my appeal rejected and I have now lodged with a tribunal. At first I wasn't going to as I was so stressed out with it all but my life has changed so much and I am still to and fro the hospital trying to get sorted out. I can only work 4 days a week now and I don't get paid for the day I don't work so I have now stuck to my guns and pushed forward with it. You have to keep going please don't give up x
I haven't got as far as tribunal but have done a mandatory Reconsideration this time as they took me from enhanced on both down to no mobility and standard on daily living. I got multiple text messages saying they were going to review it on 28/10, so I'm waiting patiently. But today, normal pip payment day for me, instead of getting the £272 odd that I got last month, I got £710! That's more than the £691 I used to get so many have gone up in the interim. Not sure if that means I won it they're just paying me the old amount until they decide; so confusing. But I've put it in a savings pot in case they decide they want it back. Isn't it terrible how they make us all feel and how little we can rely on them to be supportive or even honest?! I hope I've won but who knows? 🙄
I'm tempted to appeal even if they've put me back onto enhanced for both because the multiple and most limiting conditions I've had, have been since 1996 and are never going to get better, so if they don't give me a long term award, I'm thinking of appealing just for that as doing the review every 2-3 years is killing me, especially if I have to now fight the decision every time.
Good luck everybody.