Herbal tablets: Good afternoon my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Herbal tablets

12 Replies

Good afternoon my friends

Just wondering if anyone can recommend herbal tablets that is good for fibromyalgia?

Am having a very painful day today but don't want to up the tamadrol.

Hope you all are having a good day xxx

12 Replies
BlueMermaid3 profile image

Good afternoon :)

I can't recommend any herbal tablets for pain, but was wondering if you have ever tried any of the following:

Deep Freeze patches, gels and sprays

Epsom Salts in the bath

Magnesium Oil Spray

I find all of the above take the edge off my pain.

If you have been prescribed Tramadol for your pain, there is no reason why you shouldn't up it on the days that you need to.

It doesn't mean that you have to up the dose permanently.

I hope your pain eases up for you soon my friend.

Hugs Lu xx

in reply to BlueMermaid3

Thanks for your advice Lu, much appreciated. I will definitely do the Epsom salt baths.

The magnesium spray, do you get that from your pharmacy?

Cheers again Lu, have a great day xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to

You're very welcome :)

I get the Epsom Salts in Lloyds Pharmacy and the Magnesium Oil in Holland & Barrett.

Hope this helps.

Lu xx

avocadopeardrops profile image
avocadopeardrops in reply to

Hi Victoriacom

I take magnesium to try to relax the muscles aand aalso tto help other body functions. I also have Vitamin D and B12 supplements as they relax muscles whilst B12 supports the nervous system and is used to repair nerves.

Garlic, Tumeric are natural anti inflammatory agents and can be purchased in capsule form. I am told the at biotin, coconut oil and sikica capsules are available and that te silica is needed to rebuild collagen. Hope that helps. PS Tramadol and other opiates cause spasms.

in reply to avocadopeardrops

Thanks for your gem of information avocadopeardrops.

I have written all that down and will get some garlic capsules tomorrow.

I was vitamin d deficient so am already on the vitamin d capsules.

I had no idea tramadol caused spasms.

Thanks again xx

Greenpeace profile image
Greenpeace in reply to avocadopeardrops

Hi Hidden

I see that you're fairly new to the forum, and your Fibro diagnosis.

It is very hard in the beginning to find out what meds and Therapies work for you.

We all react differently to meds, and what works for me doesn't always work for you. It is all down finding out what works for you.

Having said that, the sad fact is that we will never find a pill or treatment that will take the pain away completely. We have to "manage our Fibro".

I learned all this at a Fibromyalgia Coping Skills Course at the National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath (The Min).

For myself, I take Multivitamins, Paracetamol, Nefopam, and Amitriptyline. When I get a flare I add Tramadol 50 mg X 3 daily. I am one of the lucky ones who can take Tramadol without having the side-effects, as I said "we're all different"

I also go to Hydrotherapy once a week.

I truly hope that you can find a way to manage your Fibro from some of the suggestions that you have been given.

Take care.

GP. 😊😊

in reply to Greenpeace

Thanks so much Greenpeace. I really need to go to the pharmacy and find out what will be ok with my current meds. I only get side effects with the tramadol when I take it sporadically. Have learnt to take at least 1 tramadol 3 times a day.

I am going to try and go vegan and see if that helps.

Thanks again for your advice it's really appreciated. 🤗

Thanks Lu xx

spider555 profile image

Haven't had any of those for years. Or victory v 🙂

spider555 profile image

Me too they were good for winter.

When we had proper winters 😉

spider555 profile image

The weather has definitely changed. More turbulent bit like fibro 😮

Midori profile image

Unfortunately, Herbal remedies can react with regular medication, sometimes very severely. Your best bet would be to consult your pharmacist.

Epsom Salts and Magnesium are the same thing, If you have blood pressure problems it is not advisable without consultin either your doctor ar pharmacist.

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