Hi all, well I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago, I've been put on amatriptalyne, 10mg, I'm 9 days on this but feel no difference in my pain, I don't see my rheumatologist again until January, how long should I give this, I'm having a bad day today as travelled a lot yesterday for hospital appointment for bone scan, I work full time and was hoping these pain med would help x
Hey all, new here: Hi all, well I was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hey all, new here

Hi Pmswoman Welcome to our wonderful forum 😀 I'm sure you will find it invaluable chatting to others who have similar experiences and at different stages of their lives with fibromyalgia.
I'm sorry you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it takes a while to get your head round it all, although for most, there is also relief that you finally know what is wrong. Amitriptyline is often given to help symptoms but they can take a few weeks to get the full benefits from. It is a very small dose you have been started on, your gp probably just wants to see if they suit you first. I would advice you to go back to gp because they should be helping you a little bit. Your gp will probably keep increasing them until they do help your symptoms. They are best taken early evening if you go to work, as they can make you feel quite groggy in the morning if taken to late. I take mine between 7 -8pm.
Please do go check out the mother site fmauk.org where you will find lots of useful information and links on fibro.
It's a good idea to lock your posts to the community so they are not accessible from the internet. If you look to right of screen you will see under "Pinned Posts" a number of blue links & instructions on how to lock it. (If on phone scroll down)
Peace, luv n light
Jan xx
Hello Pmswoman
I just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome to the forum
I can see that our lovely Jan Janet28 has given you lots of information already,
It is really important to take your Amitryptyline around 6pm so that you don't get that "hung over" feeling the next day.
10mg is the starting dose. Unfortunately although this med helps with sleep, low mood and pain it doesn't work like a sleeping tablet or a pain killer.
At a higher dose it works as an antidepressant. This means that it can take quite a while to get into your system and start working.
There are pain killers that you can try for your pain in addition to the Amitryptyline.
I guess you haven't had time yet to find out how much your GP knows about Fibromyalgia? However, he should know what pain medication to start you on.
Make an appointment to see your GP and tell him/her what you have told us. That you work full time and need something to help with your pain.
I have had Fibro & ME for over 36 years and I am still learning about Fibro! But .... you have come to the right place to learn lots, get loads of good advice and support. We even have a laugh too.
Please do just jump in on any conversation going. You will find that you will be warmly welcomed.
The forum tends to be quieter over weekends.
We have lots of newly diagnosed members right through to people like me & Jan who've had it for years
Once again a very warm welcome and I hope you enjoy the forum
Wishing you a peaceful weekend
Lu x
No I didn't at 10mg. Im up to 50mg but it still doesn't really do anything . If you feel its still not doing anything after a couple more weeks see your doctor again to step it up or change it.
Im sorry for anyone getting fibro its not great to deal with. There is a lot of support out there if you feel low or that no one understands. Facebook has a lot of great groups your more than welcome to join.
Hi Pmswoman
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.
As the others have said, it can take a couple of weeks to notice any difference with Amitriptyline. If you do not notice any difference after a month I would let your doctor know.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you