Fibromyalgia and IBS: Hi I was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Fibromyalgia and IBS

Susietatts54 profile image
β€’18 Replies

Hi I was diagnosed 4 years ago with fibromyalgia, but the last 24 years I've had OA everywhere, back pain, arthritis in feet which both big toes were operatated on, spurs growing

Lol oh the joy

Anyway I'd like to ask IBS, I'm having a massive flare up so very tired but does IBS make your stomach hurt to the touch, I'm bloated I look 5 months pregnant lol


Sue πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Susietatts54 profile image
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18 Replies
Greykitty profile image

Hi Sue..sorry to hear your having a flare up. I'm no doctor but it is my understanding IBS comes with fibro..yes the joy. I do have issues with IBS myself sometimes...this recent flare up I also look 5 months pregnant especially after eating..even if it's just an apple. I just blame it on the tablets and lack of mobility since Nov. I would though recommend you be double checked from GP as your having pain to touch. I hope you get some relief soon!

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hello Susietatts54

A very warm welcome to the forum :)

I am sorry you have Fibromyalgia, but glad you have found us.

If you look on our mother site you'll find lots of info about Fibromyalgia

IBS is an extremely common symptom with Fibromyalgia. I too get it from time to time.

I have found that greasy food and spicy food sets mine off. However the thing that makes it the worst is stress.

I have had a huge amount of stress the last 5 years and I find that I get an IBS attack after the period of stress, rather than during.

I don't find that my tummy is sore to touch, so I think it would be a good idea if you go and see your GP just to be on the safe side.

Once again a very warm welcome.

Lu x


Sancut profile image

Hi Sue, nice to meet you. I have Fibro , Chronic fatigue, Sjogrens , osteoarthritis and a few other little dears, including IBS. When mine flares, which can be for a few days or for months, one of the main problems I have with it is that I can't bear to touch the left side of my abdomen and it really feels are over the whole area, even to move . Like you the OS is widespread, you get while you're trying to find a bit of you that doesn't hurt with something!! My mum had IBS and her stomach used to reall swell up . I do hope things settle down for you soon . I find mine flares with too much pasta!, which I love. Some foods do mske it much worse and really sore. I once did a diet which bizarrely enough consisted of a lot of pasta, I was in agony, I didn't realise till I stopped it ! Maybe keep an eye on which ones affect you, you probably do that anyway. I do hope you feel a little better, Regards Sandra x

Susietatts54 profile image
Susietatts54 in reply to Sancut

Hi Sandra

Thanks for the reply, yeah I eat a lot of coleslaw and I think that was it, it's been bloating for a while now but never to this pain, I can't walk with it

The joys a? Lol

Hope you are ok? Well as ok as we can be lol again thank you it does help 😊😊 x

Sancut profile image
Sancut in reply to Susietatts54

Hi , hope your pain is a bit easier, and you have as good a night as possible

Regards Sandra x

hf1981 profile image
hf1981 in reply to Susietatts54

Hi. This is my first time here having just been told that I have fibro. Have had pain for years, IBS, and all the other symptoms including anxiety, brain fog and sore eyes. Have all all the blood tests going and seen the rheumatologist etc and this is the only diagnosis left. To answer your question I have had IBS for over 20 years and coleslaw, which I love, is an absolute trigger as are fizzy drinks, dairy products and more - all the things I love most really. Sometimes you just have to balance what you crave against what your body needs.

I also have diverticular disease and when I have a flare up it causes left side abdo pain which is agony and and it can be very painful to walk. At these times I need to see a GP urgently and have in the past been admitted to hospital for IV anti biotics. If the pain is that bad you need to speak to a health professional in my opinion. Good luck and I hope you feel better really soon.

Incidentally my GP has just prescribed amytriptyline for me which I am to start tonight - any one got any advice



margiebe profile image
margiebe in reply to hf1981

Hi Hilary, I have had Fibro for years but was diagnosed in 2005. I read a few books at the time and one written by a US GP suggested Amitriptyline, 20mg at night. When I first started taking it it was such a relief to wake up with no pain! I have taken it ever since. The down side is I don't want to get out of bed in the morning as I am so comfortable and I can turn over and easily go back to sleep. Now I am retired that doesn't usually matter but when I was working I used to take it about 8.30pm so the sleepy effect had worn off by the morning. When I have pain flare ups I take ibuprofen which fortunately works for me. I know it doesn't work for everyone. Several years ago I started taking turmeric in capsule form. I didn't really give it much thought but as the weeks passed I began to realise that the pains were much weaker. I have continued to take 400mg twice daily. Some sites recommend taking it with biopirene (which I believe is black pepper), but I have found no improvement over basic turmeric. A friend of mine uses magnesium oil and massage - works for her. My best advice would be to keep moving through the pain, every muscle in your body needs to be used and stretched regularly. I have met people who have become infirm because they think they cannot move but keeping your muscles toned is a big help. Also drink lots of water. Hope these tips work for you.

Regards Margaret

hf1981 profile image
hf1981 in reply to margiebe

Hi Margaret

Thanks for the tips. I have just spoken to a GP - not my usual GP and what a difference!

Admitted that fibro is a mystery to most GPS and that it is a case of trying out different things until you find what works. She, like you, suggested gentle stretching every day. I am unable to take ibuprofen but she suggested heat pads etc. We discussed the amitriptyline and the job that I have and agreed that I will stop taking it but can review at any time and the possibility of going private for pain management as I can't get to NHS sessions due to working away from home most of the time.

She said I was doing really well managing to take the dog out for a walk at the weekends and spending time reading was great for distracting myself from pain. (not just me being lazy!)

This is the most positive I have felt for a while - I feel more in control and not such a total failure - all because of a conversation with a GP I have never met and a message from yourself. The GP made me promise to phone and ask for her if I felt I needed to in the future.

Thank you for caring - I hope you have a great day


bluebell99 profile image

Hello Susietatts54 and a very warm welcome to our friendly fibro forum where you can get advice, help, support and understanding, along with a chuckle or two to lighten the day.

Unfortunately IBS does accompany fibro in a great number of members and various successful ways of coping have been suggested.

Some swear by going gluten free, others avoid the plants of the nightshade family like potatoes and tomatoes. Sometimes citrus fruit can trigger an attack but the biggest culprit is stress, which sometimes is unavoidable. It will be trial and error to find your trigger.

If you look to Related Posts, to the right of your post, you will see other responses to this same subject. Also type in IBS in your search box for more suggestions

Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.


Susietatts54 profile image

Hi Kay

Thank you for the welcome I do like it on here it's very helpful, even just reading things, hopefully I'll be on more lol

Again thanks


Bemoresquirrel profile image

Hi Sue,

IBS does indeed cause bloating. I was told by a doctor to cut down on fibre and that helped. I'm now able to eat porridge for breakfast.

I take probiotics and they seem to help a lot, but are expensive. I've recently started doing my own Kefir which is fermented milk and that's made a big difference. It tastes like fizzy yoghurt. I started drinking very small amounts in the beginning as it can cause a drastic clear out during the first week.

I recommend watching some YouTube videos if you are interested. The step by step ones explain what is involved far better than I can. I bought my starter for Β£4.99 on A****n.

Hope you feel better soon.

Gentle hugs, Tedsmum

Susietatts54 profile image
Susietatts54 in reply to Bemoresquirrel

Hi Tedsmum

Thank you I'll have a look

I said to my mum a couple of months ago about colonic irregration (can't spell it sorry) lol

Get a total clear out and start afresh lol

Thank you 😊😊😊

Bemoresquirrel profile image
Bemoresquirrel in reply to Susietatts54

There is lots of evidence now of the benefits of probiotics and a lot of research is being carried out. If you look online there are plenty of articles and books out there on probiotics, if you want to know more.

I'm not brave enough to have colonic irrigation, but have had similar results with Movicol in the past! πŸ˜‚

Take care x

rosewine profile image

I had IBS before I knew I had fibro and the two seem to go hand in hand for many people on the forum. My tum can bloat out until I definately look 5 months pregnant I am sure if I put a pin in it it would pop. I can go up three sizes from morning to night. I too find stress makes it worse as does certain foods but risk some of them or my diet would get too restricted. When I am in flare mode and IBS of course joins in the party my lower left hand abdomen can be very tender. If this is something new for you I think it would be worth having a word with your GP. Do hope it eases.x

Susietatts54 profile image
Susietatts54 in reply to rosewine

Hi rosewine

Yeah I'm going to try see doctor tomorrow

Yeah I'm like you stick a pin in it and whiz round the room lol πŸ˜‚ if only lol x

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Susietatts54

Let us know how you get on at the doctors. If you decide to stick a πŸ“Œin it and whizz around remember to wear your πŸ‘·

Clumsy_Mrs profile image

Hi, I have extreme IBS.C. I am currently on a trail run with Silico gel. It seems to have reduce how often I get bloated. I am bloated everyday but it definitely less painful since started Silico gel and I haven't been as constipated. What have you tried to help? Everyone is different some people find things work some don't. It's try and learn. I often us buscapan. I have tried peppermint capsules, FODMAP diet lots more to many to mention. I think Fibromyalgia definitely contributes to IBS pain. I hope you find something to help you.

Clumsy πŸŽ€

sherrisix profile image

Hi Sue. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Just a little thought about your IBS. I got told for about 15 years that I had IBS, but my symptoms were bad, so I kept insisting on tests, and it was found out I actually have Celiac Disease. I do not know whether it would be worth it for you to have a blood test to check this, its just a thought. Hope you will get better soon!

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