I’m trying to get diagnosed. I don’t know what wrong but many symptoms fit fibromyalgia.
It’s been over 6 months. I have COPD and was having issues with sleep, breathing and pain. I’ve also got IBS symptoms and have failed to make it in time before.
The insomnia was initially thought to be sleep apnea- due to the COPD. Tests ruled that out.
I’ve had every blood test going. I had slight raised liver issues which have since normalised. I reacted to the AZ covid jab, it hospitalised me with low platelets, I was on street for 8 weeks at a high dose summer of 2021. I’ve not been right since really.
I have pain at night that wakes me, lower back, legs neck and shoulders. In the morning I’m stiff as a board, I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot. I also seize up if I sit a long time.
I have migraines.
I have reactions to every medication I have been prescribed recently for my COPD.
I regularly have nausea. I wake all night and then am tired all day.
I’ve had sweating, days and nights- GP said menopause but I’m 3 years plus over that. I was prescribed hrt, that made it all worse.
I have arthritis in my hands.
I’ve tried vitamins, various types of food changes etc. I avoid processed stuff and cook from scratch.
I’m getting more and more down.
can anyone suggest questions I need to ask?
Thanks for reading