I' m the new kid on the block here. H... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I' m the new kid on the block here. Hi to everyone.

6 Replies

Hi. I must joined FA.UK. l was diagnosed 19 years ago. Ive been taking Amityptiline 100 mg and they no longer seem to help. On Tuesday the 28/3/16 l was called to a capability for work assessment as l am currently on ESA. My appointment for for 10 am. On my arrival the receptionist said the doctor who was seeing me was running 10 -15 minutes late. ( which having attended these medical assessments before , l here that all the time on my arrival) My son came with me and l am walking with elbows crutches as my ostearthritis has also flared up. ( l also have Gout ). 20 mins in the waiting room and in a lot of pain l asked at the desk ,if the doctor knows l am here or has. he forgotten about me.The reply was " yes he knows your here" That was it ! Now in even more pain , lm sitting then standing only to sit again. Now its 11am and the pain is much to much to bear. I burst into tears as l cannot function anymore.My son approaches the desk and asked why has the doctor not called me when he was originally only running 10-15 minutes late. The desk clerk ( apparently) went to speak to the doctor and was told he was still with someone and still had the report to write up. I was then asked by the clerk if l wanted to reschedual the appointment . And l ask if there was any possible chance l would get to see the dictor within the next 5 minutes and was told probably not!'So that was me having to make the return journey home withiut seeing the doctor.A 16 mile round trip for nothing .And may l add when l arrived at the centre l drove into the car park and fiund no spaces.There was big BMW 4 x4 's parked on the double yelllow lines .Big swanky cars filing up the car park ( clearly not mobility cars), more like staff cars filling the car park so that people attending for assessment had to park 3 blocks away with the Centre CCTV pointing in their direction. It took me 20 minutes stopping to rest ,sitting on a wall.Before l could get back to my car. Unnacceptable treatment for people who are ill or have mobility problems.Then on Thursday l fell unwell with chest pain and my son called my GP who then advised he call 999 then l had paramedics arriving to my aid. And this is result for all the crap that assessment centre put me thru by keeping me hanging about in pain and being forced to hurple on 2 crutches to get tonand from the centre because selfish staff take up all the car park " deliberately ) .Thats what genuine people are up against. Now l am at their mercy again ,waiting for the reschedualed appointment .Anyone had similar experiences with the assessment ?

6 Replies
suzey26j profile image

Oh yes!! they don't care about what pain your in ,all they do. care about is making sure you don't get money that you need ,I've never met such horrible people ever and that's true , the way they look at you when you walk in as far as they are thinking every ones telling lies ,I had one that told me that I could bend this way ,I really couldn't ,but she kept saying i could she really upset me I wanted to say something to her ,,wanted to really say what I thought of her , but that wouldn't have got me nowhere ,I'm really sorry for what they put you through Suzy X

Blueeyes01 profile image

My heart goes out to you, this is a disgrace, you deserve much better treatment than that, and I suppose if you had kept them waiting they would of cancel your benefits as well. I was thinking about claiming benefit (PIP) but if I have to go through that just to get it, I don't think I will. I do hope your next appointment go well for you

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Hidden

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted for you below a link to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:


I am so genuinely sorry to read of your experiences and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Hi Dreamdiva18..welcome to the forum and I hope you find a lot of help and support here. I'm sorry to hear what you went through...it's an ordeal attending these type of meetings let alone with all the rest going on as well. I haven't been moved over to ESA or PIP yet but I'm really nervous about it. I hope you have a relaxing day today. If you ever want a chat privately just pm me. xx

Al10 profile image

I'm afraid they double book. 'Yah boo sucks' to those that have to wait! It's all about the money.

Ask your GP to write and ask for a home visit. Tell him this last debacle has cost you pain and distress, (as he will know) and the NHS goodness knows how much? And still you are not assessed. Explain your mental state too. We need all our strength to deal with our pain. We don't have much left for extras. Stress? We really don't need that and some of us truly crumble. That's not our fault!

These assessments should not be allowed to make us further poorly.

Ask Hubby to ring the outfit concerned and tell them you want a home visit, indeed you need a home visit after the upset and when they say 'oh no no you cant have one of those!' tell them you will get a drs letter. If your DR says he agrees they will likely arrange one or possible if there is enough info do a cheaper paper assessment? You may have to pay. See what he says.

Don't accept this cruel treatment that makes you ill. Make sure you and hubby stand up for your poor weedy fibro self! They need to know what a problem fibro is and our brave faces do not tell that story. This little upset is a massive deal for you to recover from and they need to know that.

Ann19581958 profile image

I had the same thing happen to me last year twice then on the 3rd cost got seen after an hour dr just done silly little tests asked if you could walk and do things on your own then said I would be hearing of the outcome in a week or two sure enough got letter in post said if you can walk more than 200 yards you were fit so I don't need to say anymore good luck they just don't care or know what you are going through. They totally go against what your dr or specilist say

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