Given up driving due to fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Given up driving due to fibromyalgia

Golfer15 profile image
26 Replies

Hi everyone, has anyone else had to give up driving due to their fibro. I had stopped driving long distances a while ago, as I get very drowsy, this might be due to the meds (amitryptiline) but I have found more symptoms in last few months like lack of concentration, slow reactions, difficulty judging distances and general confusion of where Im going!

I decided to stop driving completely and I was told by a friend that I could apply for a local bus pass. I applied for this and had to send in evidence of my condition in the form of a letter from a medical proffessional and a copy of my PIP award. I had a CBT course recently, on my GP suggestion so I got a letter from the mental health service. Looked quite convincing. A few weeks went by then on Saturday the bus pass arrived. It allows me to travel on any local bus at any time. I live on the Isle Of Wight so I can see a few visits coming up when the weather improves.

This is quite a big step for me but it is for the best. My wife wasnt feeling safe with my driving. She suggested I do this. She is now my chaufer when she is off work. I dont work, also due to the fibro, so I have to get around. I wonder what will be next!

Take care everybody and dont let this illness beat us.


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Golfer15 profile image
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26 Replies
bluebell99 profile image

Hi Golfer15

I am pleased you have found a good outcome to not driving. I can see you gallivanting around in the summer and making the most of your bus pass.

This opens up all sorts of opportunities for you, and I hope it gives confidence to any other members who are thinking of applying.


BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi David

It's good to see you :)

You are making quite a few huge decisions at the moment.

I very much hope that you will be feeling the benefit of giving up the voluntary job where you were not being appreciated.

Making the decision to give up driving is another big decision.

Having a bus pass can give you a great deal of freedom.

You don't realise just how much you miss when you're driving as you are concentrating on the road ahead.

I very much hope that you enjoy having your bus pass and seeing the sights.

Wishing you much peace

Lu xx

Golfer15 profile image
Golfer15 in reply to BlueMermaid3

Thanks for the reply. I'm enjoying the freedom of not doing the voluntary work. I'm looking forward to using the bus pass.

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to Golfer15

It's great to hear that you made the right decision about your voluntary work. 😊

Hopefully we may see some pics from your bus adventures.

Lu xx

Rose54 profile image

Hi Golfer15

I to live on the Isle of Wight

I was awared disabled bus pass last year and use it daily

If I don't feel great only have to sit on bus not far to anywhere on the Island even if I only get off for a cup of coffee somewhere and back on.

Enjoy your new found freedom


Golfer15 profile image
Golfer15 in reply to Rose54

Hi Rose, Thanks for the reply, did you say that you live on the Isle of Wight.

I am planning A trip on Wednesday. Just got to get used to the times and stops.


Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to Golfer15


Yes I do live on the island

I believe you can also use Bus Pass on the trains

I work full time so use it most days for work as never felt the need to learn to drive.

I try to combine a walk as well their are many Bus routes on the Island that you can do this .

Also very handy if venturing off the Island as well.

Have a good trip Wed


peck profile image

Hi Golfer15 David, Glad to see you out on the forum today, hope your doing okay.I know that was a big step to give up your driving but it takes a responsible person to admit to this.I wish you the best and hope this will help you get out a bit .Take care.Peck 🐤

Janet28 profile image

Golfer15 Good for you David, not good you have to give up driving but good you have adapted to a great alternative. I love the isle of white, my grandparents lived in Freshwater Bay & i used to spend many holidays on the island. I'm sure you will enjoy all those lovely views.

I had to give up manual & switch to auto which has helped a lot but I can only do short distances because of back pain, so don't know how much longer I will be able to do it. We keep on keeping on don't we my friend.

Peace, luv n light

Jan x

TheAuthor profile image

HI Golfer15

I am so truly sorry that you have found the need to give up driving but I see that you have some good plans for your bus pass. I have to admit that I gave up driving many, many years ago due to blackouts form my migraines. I also have to admit that I have never missed it once. I have found life less stressful when somebody else has done the driving.

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


zenriley23 profile image

Welcome friend. Lol. My teenagers do most of my driving. No, it isn't fun, but it is safer. I started blacking out while driving 12 years ago. I'd be driving and couldn't figure out how I got where I was or where I was before. Almost rearrended

zenriley23 profile image

Someone last week because I misjudged the distance. So now, I either walk or simply stay home

Lanisma profile image
Lanisma in reply to zenriley23

Hi sorry to. Other youzenriley. Please can you describe your blackouts because I think I may be having the same thing☹️

Well done David for considering others as well s yourself.I. too got a local bus pass last year,we cant use before 09.30 so hospital or gp appt. Stillneed car..i dont do. motorways or. the 50mph roads due to other inconsiderate users! My daughter is onmy insurance if i want togo distance

Absolutely a big step David! I’ve been thinking about this, I only drive when I feel well and able, short known routes. I see you posted 10 mths back. Have you adjusted to life without the car? Thanks for posting on this topic. Andy

Golfer15 profile image
Golfer15 in reply to

Hi Andy, sorry to hear you have had to give up driving too. I have got used to using buses now. I have got a free bus pass. I still find it difficult to accept.

Take care of yourself.


in reply to Golfer15

Yeah bet. Thanks for reply David and your honesty. I would hate to think I put others at risk. I think I’m ok going to familiar places. I used to have a van and felt safe high up on the road but I don’t have a car or van now but borrow my mums sometimes, don’t like driving that as it’s too low to the ground. It’s my memory problems really, starting to wonder if my reaction would be quick enough? I will always opt for trying not to get in a car but I also like the freedom of being able to nip here and there if I need to, would miss that a great deal. Would make it hard to get my daughter to clubs and things too. Sigh. Suppose I need to get tested somehow so I know one way or the other, if this is possible?

I do like the idea of not having a car, doing my bit for the environment and accessing everything we need on the door step, currently looking into trying to move into a town for these reasons.

Walking is good for fibro too isn’t it, unless it’s cold and wet!

You’re clearly a man with a good integrity sir! Sometimes its the case for us that we are where we are hey, it just is. BW, Andy

Heltadelta profile image

Hi. I too have had to give up driving due to fibro. I have leg spasms and was worried I would have them when driving and maybe accelerate instead of break. So my last bit of independence has now gone. I have to rely on my mobility scooter. I cannot get a bus pass for another year.

Keep your chin up.x

in reply to Heltadelta

Who needs a car! Bloody polluting money pits. Let’s breath in the fresh air and get our circulation pumping. Hope you’re ok as much as you can be in this s h 1 t situation! Andy

Heltadelta profile image
Heltadelta in reply to

Lol. Well we live in quite a rural area and as usual relying on Public Transport is hard. When our children went to senior school they had to get a bus into town, then a train, having to change trains 2 stations further on to get another train to school.

I don't mean to moan but I cant walk far so have to use a scooter (grrrr) and we have to have a car. I do at least get some fresh air on my scooter.


Aelin profile image

Urgh I can sympathise. I wanted to drive for years. Finally at the age of 33 I passed my test. Bought myself a car and was good to go. 6 months later I collapsed and was diagnosed with fibro. Was bedbiund for six months. New car (number plate came out day I picked it up) sat in the drive. Now I can only drive on good days but even just ten mins to town pick up glasses and ten mins back means that I’m asleep on the couch within an hour. Gutting.

Golfer15 profile image
Golfer15 in reply to Aelin

Hi Aelin, sorry to hear you were bed bound. Don't over do things now. I know what you mean about driving makes you tired. I had the same problem with fatigue, I got tired when I was behind the wheel, one reason I gave up altogether. I couldn't take the risk falling asleep whilst driving.

Take care of yourself.


Heltadelta profile image
Heltadelta in reply to Golfer15

I can empathise with you David, sorry.


Heltadelta profile image
Heltadelta in reply to Aelin

Oh I am so sorry, you must be gutted. I can no longer drive as I have spasms in my legs, due to bloody fibro. I call it the Elvis Presley Shuffle.

So I am reliant on my husband driving everywhere, one more piece of my independence taken away.


rottweiller69 profile image

Hi David...i got a bus pass in the summer months this year and its given me some freedom back....because I just go out even for half hour just to stop the depression and new lease of glad you got one.Lorraine

aud01 profile image

I gave up driving 3 years ago... I was becoming very bad with concentration and also slow reactions. I miss it loads . I haven't been given pip and not on esa as they say I am fit for work . But I wish I had a bus pass ...

Sorry to hear you are in same position. X

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