Hi there my fibro-friends!! I hope you're all ok and not melting in this heat. I have a little more good news to share with you all! Firstly I had a wonderful 50th party last weekend arranged by my beautiful boys and my Mum and Dad! Then a letter confirming my appointment with the CFS clinic in Oct! a but far off but an appointment non the less!! Well!! On Fri I had a call from a lady at the council to say that I am being put forward for a ground floor flat with wet room!! Then.....another call from CFS clinic to say that they had a cancellation and would I like the appointment which is next week!!! Needless to say I took the appointment!! Then went to look at the flat (outside) and the area and its fabulous!! My own little bit of garden at the back and in a very quiet area! To say that I am having one of my better weeks is an understatement!! And although my pain is pretty bad at the moment, I'm so very happy that things are moving forward! All I need now is for P.I.P to write and tell me I'm getting the benefit and arrears!!...
So my friends... If you are fighting for what's rightfully yours, keep on pushing!!.. Much love to you all....ninja.... xxx
Its all coming together!!: Hi there my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Its all coming together!!

How fabulous for you, its great when lots of things come together all at once.
Oh that brill good news all round . Yeeh so pleased,
Hugs sue xx
Hello Ninjananna,
All sound positive! The flat will make things easier for you and I'm guessing you'll be able to get out & about more! Glad you had a nice birthday, belated wishes & Happy Birthday!
Good luck next weeks appointment, do let us know how you get on.
FibroAction Administrator
So pleased for you keep smiling xx
Hi nanjananna, Many Congratulations to you on some amazing achievements over the past few weeks. Well done you, I am so delighted that things are coming together for you!
Although it is no more than you are entitled too, it is so refreshing to hear of some "Good News" all round.
I hope your appointment with CFS Clinic goes well for you? Also wishing you a happy, healthy (as possible) future in your new Bungalow, pray that the move will make your life much easier all round & you enjoy many happy years there!
Sending you positive, healing, happy energies your way.
(((Gentle hugs)))
Lynn x
Oh Lynn,... what a lovely reply! I can't wait for the forms to sign and start the process!... I've even started clearing out the kitchen draws! (There's always one that ends up with loads of rubbish in it) Hahahaha... I thought if I start now doing little bits at a time it will be a lot easier on me!! Thanks again for the lovely reply...ninja...xx
Hi ninjananna
That is absolutely wonderful news and thank you so much for sharing this with us all. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything slots into place nicely! Good luck!
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Well done so pleased for you , I am waiting on pain clinic ,and my pip appointment you give me hope ,I have managed to spend most of the day in garden pottering about . Have decided to plant a herb bed up in corner so put first bits in feel like I achieved something to day once my daughter left me alone , I have the problem that she gets annoyed with me because I want to do things my self and she is worried about how much I will pay for it later .and doesn't understand that for me yes I will pay for it later but I will at least have enjoyed myself and feel abit like my old self take care sorry I didn't mean to talk about me good luck with clinic and flat x
Well lets hope thing's come in threes x
Lets hope things come in threes x
Great news Very happy for you sweetheart!!! xxxx Mitzi