Morning all, had my horrendous pip home assessment last week , how long before dwp make their decisions, thanks in advance.
Pip decision: Morning all, had my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip decision

Got it all sorted three weeks after reassessment
6 weeks me x
Hi allydawn7 as you can already see, there seems to be no set time as it looks like its different for everyone. I haven't had to apply for pip yet, so i can't give you my experience but it seems to be a few weeks, after 6 weeks I would call them maybe to see how it was going. I wish you well and hope you get awarded what you need my friend.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Hi allydawn7 sorry I didn't realise you had just joined us. So Hi I would like to welcome to our wonderful forum ☺ I'm sure you will come to find the forum invaluable in chatting to others who are going through the same experience as you, talking to others at different stages of their lives with Fibro and learning from their experiences.
It does help with the whole process and I wish I had found the site years ago. I have had Fibro for nearly 30 yrs and I'm still learning about it, like we all are.
Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia ?
Please do go look at the mother site where you will find all the information you need and lots of useful links on Fibro and I look forward to chatting to you on the forum.
Peace, luv n light
Jan ☺
PS. I advise you to lock your post to keep info safe from internet. Pls. follow this link to simple instructions .You will get more replies on a locked post too.
Hi allydawn7
I think that it is very much dependant upon which part of the country you live in and how much of a backlog the DWP have in your area.
If you haven't heard anything within six weeks I would give them a call and ask them for an update on the situation.
Wishing you much peace
Lu x
Hello allydawn7 , a warm welcome to our friendly fibro forum. I see you have some excellent replies, and it does seem as those it is one of those questions where you could ask "How long is a piece of string?"
There does not seem to be any set time and no difference in waiting after a home visit or attending an assessment centre.
As Lu say, I would give it six weeks and then chase them up.
I had my assessment just before Christmas and my result in 10 days. If you're worried about it you can get a copy of the PIP report by calling DWP which will show you what points the assessor has recommended. The DWP don't have to go along with this recommendation but they often do. I think it's worth asking for a copy of the report anyway as it's interesting to see the assumptions they've made and how they decided on the points you finally get.
Thank you for,all of your replies, ill just wait and see, its,such a cruel system to keep people,waiting.Its now been written about that these Atos and Capita assesments cost more than they save, its just another cruel bombarbment on the ill, and disabled. Sorry rant over lol, I wish you all a less painful day.x
Got my pip award after all in three weeks, got low rate as surprise the assessors lied through his back side, oh well let's he got his bonus.Thanks for all your replies.x
Thank you for taking time out to reply to my query, its much appreciated, hope you all have a comfortable day, no booming and busting, conserve your energies.x