hi to all I was getting pip payment for over 3 years due to my health condition which has worsen over the years I have goat anxiety and depression and acute pancreatitis over the past years each time I have had a change of circumstances and contacted the dwp about this each time it has been sent to a tribunal even each time I scored 12 to 18 points and which each time it went in my favour and won back my pip and stated that I would be entitled to pip until 2020.now again its the 4th time it has gone to a monetary consideration via to the tribunal I had my payments stopped December 2017 I have received all paperwork copies time and time ringing the court for updates at present it has now been 18 weeks to date with no indication how more weeks I have to go through this stressful time which has left me with very bad anxiety and feel suicidal has it is no fault of mine .help if someone can thanks
pip monetary decision tribunal - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pip monetary decision tribunal

Little confused first what rate of pip were you getting and were you happy with that?
Have you written to you MP as it sometimes helps if you got good one.
hi I was getting the enhanced rate and yes I have emailed my MP with reply back that not yet heard anything yet back from dwp its been a month now
Well the enhanced rate is as much as you can get so why contact them when ok to 2020?
I just can not understand why this has happened gave all hospital letters was in hospital 2015 17 nights fighting for my life I have had it with them
hi thanks I have got 4 loads of paper work I dont get how it has got in to stressful mess
what is goat anxiety
no still on DLA not changed over yet
We are like you still on DLA still waiting for the thud of the Brown envelope yes life has got harder but happy with high mobility and low care. I know it will be impossible to go though assessment do not do stress and people that’s trouble with our mental health so we are not worried if forgotten 🤦🏼♂️🤪🤪
Capita useless messed me up for 4 years good luck
Hi I'm on high mobility and living allowance but I haven't been changed over to pip yet, I've been advised as I'm already on the high amount for both just to sit tight until I hear from them, I'm 66 and I feel as if they have forgotten about me but that would be too good to be true
Gentle hugs Rosie xx 😊
We never be that lucky . Like you I told to sit tight too as they get around to everyone eventually The longer the better.
Since my last assessment about 10 yrs ago I've got a lot worse with other illnesses but you can't get a higher rate than I'm on but hopefully it will help when I do get called up, I think a lot of it depends on how much of your pride you're willing to give up my poor sister wouldn't admit to half the things that are affecting her, I hope you are having as pain free a day as possible
Gentle hugs Rosie xx 😊
i on DLA since 2007 and like you my illnesses have got worse, and 3 years ago I was diagnosed with CKD stage 3 now its gone to stage 4. I dont trust the DWP as I was on ESA support group and they reassessed me 18 months ago and scored 0 points with worsening health conditions. I appealed and won and am back in support group now, but it make no sense as they put me in support group after FtF on 2013 , and then with worsening conditions FtF on Nov. 2016 , three years later, I scored 0 points and put me through hell and the appeal process. Moral on my story as you illnesses get worse the DWP think the more likelihood you should have your benefit stopped so you should now go to work
My neighbour is over the upper cut off age for PIP where you would usually get Attendance Allowance but instead of transferring you to attendance allowance they still transfer you to PIP. She has severe mental health problems and was turned down at first application, then mandatory reconsideration and the bad new is 9 months on she still hasn’t got a tribunal date!! Hope you get it all sorted soon! It is criminal what they are doing and that they can get away with it!!!
No I am not in Capita area. Atos or Independent Assessment Services as they are known as now cover the area I live in. Good Luck
Mate with our mental health they would not know if coming or going with DID we switch from one personality to another at the drop of a hat but it is our life and used to it but people just don’t get it as it is not like our face changes just the thing we say, way we talk, things can do and how we reacted.
Thank you, I'll definitely remember the 20 metres that's the length I told them I could walk the last time. I had a great guy from the advice shop, he also told me not to feel I had to keep up with the person taking me to the office, I enjoy seeing all the good advice that you give to members, I hope you have as pain free a night as possible
Gentle hugs Rosie xx 😊
I am confused If your case in under consideration then you should still be paid until a decision has infinitley been made !!!!!
Not any more!! Your money is stopped from the date of the letter informing you of it and if you have a mobility car you have to give it back straight away! I have lost more than half my benefit income from losing PIP!
I see that is new to me as I was under the impression it carried on until a decision had been made. How wrong I was.
My PIP is due for renewal in June 2019 and I am expecting them to contact me this year and I dread going through it all again. I was awarded higher rate on both components so I ma holding my breath as to what they try and do !!!
Sorry to hear of your dilemma.
Oh don’t worry they aren’t that efficient as to contact you before it’s due for renewal!! It was about 3 1/2 years by the time they got to me!! If you're very lucky the whole process will have changed (and improved) by the time yours comes around!!
I am so sorry you are going through this! It’s criminal what PIP is doing to people! (Ok random thought but I wonder if once you win at tribunal you could sue capita or atos for the stress and worsening of health the process has caused? Can you imagine if every person who won at tribunal did that? The government would have to do something to address the situation!!! Any lawyers out there who could take this on?) anyway back to the point. I lost my pip and was turned down at mandatory reconsideration. They do not care about the whys. I didn’t have enough medical evidence, visits to gps, counselling, ME clinic, in my case. The reason for this being that my parents had moved down and the only (though best) place they could find was a 30 min drive from me which with my health conditions wasn’t possible to do there and back in a day (still can’t even to get things I urgently need or even want!) so I’ve been staying with them but my dr was back near my house and I just couldn’t get there as often as I wanted/needed and I didn’t want to change to my parents surgery cos I liked my dr but therefore no evidence. The ME clinic was closed for a while and I didn’t know it had reopened or I would have asked to be re referred but the whys mean nothing to them! Also comments made from the assessment about the fact I couldn’t shower or wash my hair was I didn’t look unkempt!! Because I’m to I’ll to wash my hair I should have had dreadlocks not a nice neat plait! (Majorly offended by that!!) if I’d had dreadlocks they would have said I was just a layabout or whatever judgement that occurred to them! I declined to do the physical exam... that went against me even though I stated it would cause me physical pain or tiredness for the following week! DWP is as dishonest as they come denying that they received phone calls or letters so do everything in writing and send it recorded delivery. All this kind of thing is available on the benefits and work website and if you sign up for emails. Oh and one final thing. Statistics...95% of new applicants are turned down and most are subsequently won at tribunal!! 55% of DLA to PIP applications are turned down (I think, but it might be the opposite 45% turned down) my friends 26 yr old son has a DLA for life letter. His mum is in the process of applying for PIP on his behalf (does that tell you anything about her sons needs?) His assessment is next week. She is petrified he’ll be turned down as they will lose all their income. He can’t work. He can’t even claim JSA he wouldn’t know what to do!! I’m praying they get someone sympathetic or know what they’re dealing with and he gets his PIP but they have said there will be no awards for life!! 😢
Hi just been reading all this about the pip I have enhanced for both elements for 4 years but they can give a life award now but usually it has to go to appeal to get it other sites show people getting the life award will be contacted after 10 years to have a further assessment my conditions are life long and recently have other health issues that are never gonna get any better I have not told them about it as I’m on the top rate and don’t want them to start putting me through the stress I had before waiting for my assessment cause stress just makes my health worse and I don’t want to lose my job I only work part time now but if I didn’t could not put myself through the esa assement it sounds worse than the pip one my be these mps who came up with this stupid system should visit with the people they are affecting after all they wordor is so they should stop hiding behind political madness and get out to the people they meant to represent I hope you get your money back and all goes well for everyone
I couldn't agree more with you about MPs, some are absolutely useless.
I have been through an appeal and complaint regarding ESA. I complained about MAXIMUS and in the second stage of my complaint they sent me an apology from their manager, and a £300 consolatory payment. They sent a letter onto the DWP stating my face to face assessment had loads of errors, was missing detailsi in relation to my illnesses and lacked detail in many areas. A copy of this letter was sent to the DWP before my tribunal hearing to give them the opportunity to look at their decision again of awarding me 0 points. The DWP wrote back to me just before my tribunal hearing date and would not change their original decision and i still was given 0 points.
So Decision makers in the DWP when made aware that the assessment was carried out incorrectly still award you 0 points. This is a default position the DWP have to not award benefits. I sent proof of this to my MP who was part of this government, and he did nothing, his reply back was you are now back on benefits. So MPs in the government are well aware with whats going on and turn a blind eye to it.
Mine was stopped August my tribunal is on the 18th of this month they only let you know about a month before so please stop stressing Hun hope it gets sorted quickly for you xxxxxxxx
Good luck to u too
Hold on in there, everybody with there health that do prevail,and do get what's deserve,I no what's it like been threw all the process since 1998.so along time,been givin high rate esa pip support groups,had stress upon stress, essessments upon essessments,examination sick notes.you name done everything.on it for 4 the first 4 yes,so it do get easier.so good luck hang in there.
Quick up date just rang the courts how long for my hearing it's been 18 weeks to date was told average time 36 weeks yet wot the hell feel sick and stressed
Oh my goodness!! Poor you! I totally understand the stress you are under. Like a friend of mine I just couldn’t cope with going to Tribunal so I’m just putting my energies into starting a business from home instead!! I have enough stress going on in my life without adding that to it!! If it helps most people get their benefit awarded to them at Tribunal! The longer it takes the more money they owe you!! I know that doesn’t actually stop the stress. Your brain must be constantly on overdrive, running it through your head with the worst case scenario!! If only we could turn it off and forget about it til it’s time. Try and find things to take your mind off it. Xx
Hi I read recently that the rules about assessment was changing and that if you get enhanced rate you would no longer have to attend an assessment if your situation is the same or it has worsened just fill a form
In they send you so as others have stated when you get your pip back keep all your evidence till your due a new assessment then just send it to them with the form they send you I think it was the works and benefits websit that had the information on it
Ok I will bear that I mind thank you worth knowing x