To the ones who still remember me: 'I am baaaack!'
I missed you all terribly and I look forward hearing from you again.
Short before I left and had sent my last painting, one lady wrote something in response to my contributions and your positive responses.
She asked something like 'is this some kind of hippie club? Why don't you just face that Fibromyalgia has destroyed our lives?' This lady was obviously very bitter about the cards life had dealt her and I was very sad for her.
All my previous contributions were intended to help to make people see that, even so our life has changed and taken a new direction, it was not destroyed, it just had changed.
Being disabled does not mean the end of our life, it means that we are challenged to find new ways to have a fulfilled life, to find our abilities within our disabilities.
We always have the choice to make the best out of any situation life places us in. Some people look at the new situation as a challenge and others as a curse. Some go on and some give up. We are here to encourage each other to go on and find our abilities within our disabilities and discover a new part within ourselves we might not have known before.
When I talk about myself and the challenges I have faced and am still facing, I want you to know that it is only to help and to encourage, definitely not to show off.
To the people who remember me and appreciated my art and written contributions: I arrived at the place of my dreams. I was often very close to breaking point and at one stage even had a nervous break down in middle of a public place, but despite all the pain and set-backs I got there. I started a new life and the last stage of my journey, the last position on my so called 'bucket list'. A new beginning.
Think of the mythical story of the Phoenix who burned his wings in the fire but eventually rose from the ashes as a new being.
Even so this painting, I made for my little granddaughter, is only a fantasy bird, I hope it brings my point across.
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a new beginning!
Your friend Tess-Naturagirl