Feeling frustrated. Newbie to the forum - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Feeling frustrated. Newbie to the forum

Jules2408 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone. Hope you are all feeling well and wrapping up with this cold weather.

I haven't been on this site before but as my title says I'm frustrated. I have suffered with Fibro since my teenage years which I realise now but was finally diagnosed in 2009. I've been put on various medication and the recent one is Gabapentin. In April last year I started to get a really painful hip and had fallen a couple pf times but thought no more of it. The GP kept saying its inflamed sac in the hip. I went onto have a couple more falls again landing on my hip. Long and short is I have been diagnosed with Facet Hypertrophy and Spinal Stenosis which I have had an epidural for but with little success. I have contemplated using a walking stick as I use my Nordic stick when I try walking with my husband and it helps a little but as I am still trying to work part time and my family are judgemental I'm not sure what to do. I need something to help me as I am so tired and exhausted with it all and feel so low that I can't even get excited about Xmas even with a beautiful 1 year old daughter. Sorry to be a whinges really not normally but am frustrated. Sorry for the long waffle just needed to vent as have little family Or friends so although work am isolated xx

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Jules2408 profile image
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12 Replies

Morning Newbie and welcome you will receive loads of help and gain a lot of Fibro friends - admin peeps will also help you around the forum and are there for you.

You are allowed a moan and you will see quite a lot of Fibro peeps go through what you are going through - along with others who have other conditions alongside Fibro - there will be moans and groans and rants etc but you will also enjoy the funnies and upbeat posts from Fibro friends on this community.

Sorry you are feeling down at the moment sending you cyber hugs and kisses. Take care 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗

angiesmith50 profile image

Hiya Jules2408 Welcome to the gang. You can rant and rave as much as you need to. Living with Fibro can be lonely and isolating. Some people including some Docs find it hard to take it seriously. We all understand what you are going through. I feel so sorry for you suffering fibro and having a small child, it must be such hard work. I have buritsis in my right hip and fined it so painful. Someone from Admin will be along shortly to give you some links and I'm sure you will find someone who is going through the same as you. Take care xx

Janet28 profile image

Hi Jules2408 and welcome to our wonderful forum ;-) I'm sure you will come to love it as we all do. It really helps to be able to interact with others that are going through or been through the same experiences as yourself.

Please don't be sorry for waffling lol that's what we do, support each other when we need to get things off our chest and I'm sorry your family are not so supportive of your illness. Its a long time to be so unwell and in pain. A lot of members take Gabapentin, some members find it does help but there are different medication you can have if you feel its not really helping things. What pain relief do you take ?

Please do go and check out the Mother Site fmauk.org Where you will find lots of useful

Information and links. If you subscribe to emails you will get all the latest news on Fibro

I look forward to chatting with you on the forum.

I advise you to lock your post for your safety as unlocked posts are open to the internet, I have pasted a link to easy guideline on how to do this yourself in future.


Peace, luv n light

Jan x

Trikki profile image

Hi and Welcome.....I wonder if it would be worth printing off all about fibro from our mother site and asking them to read it? It is difficult, as we all know, to try to make people understand how rotten Fibro is. Have you talked through your feelings with your GP (preferably with your husband) as he may be able to help. If you find a walking stick gives you confidence go for it....I thin you will find we all have walking aids of one type or another.I do hope you will be able to get some help soon......AND remember we are always here....Gentle hug xx

bluebell99 profile image

Hello and welcome to our friendly fibro forum.

I can only imagine you struggle to cope, especially with a toddler, it must be exhausting for you.

Don't worry about having a moan on this site, it is a safe place and you will find support and understanding here, we are your fibro friends.

I would ask your GP about a review of your medication and perhaps to try something different.

It is hard for those that enjoy good health to understand what fibro means to us, they seem to think "take a pill and you will be fine". If only it was that easy.

I know you say you work part time, is it possible to reduce your hours further? Perhaps too you need to ask your family for more help around the house. Sometimes we soldier on and the people around us think we are coping well so do not offer.

I do hope you get a satisfactory solution to your hip and back problems.


Hello Jules- I was wondering if you have been offered an appt. at a pain clinic ever to have your hip injected with relief and then sent to physio for input to help make it strong again whilst the pain releif is doing its job?

Jules2408 profile image
Jules2408 in reply to

Hi caz-54 I attended a pain clinic before I had my Cauadal epidural in august. I then was referred to Physio and Hydro however I have to wait until a least the end of January as they have a back log and the pain relief has worn off. Think im going to have to go private. x

in reply to Jules2408

Hydro is wonderful and well worth the wait, in between my session ( 5 weeks in 6 weeks out) I go to local swimming baths with my daughter she swims and I soak in the Jacuzzi we go late in the day so as to avoid it being busy. B eware of private pools they can be very cold and put you off the pool should be 30 degrees.

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

Welcome to the forum :)

There is an organisation called Homestart. They are an organisation that help people with children under 5 years old.

They are teams of volunteers who will come and help you once a week for a couple of hours.

The volunteers will try to help you where you need the help most. So for example if you need some "me" time, they will look after your little one in your own home whilst you go and have a nice relaxing bath or even catch up on some sleep.

It is well worth looking them up on the Internet and seeing if there are any volunteers available in your area.

As our Trikki has said, I agree that it is a good idea to go onto our website and either print off, or show your family the information that is on there regarding Fibromyalgia and how it affects us fmauk.org

If you need to use a stick to help you, then use one! I know initially you may feel self conscious using one, but you will soon get used to it.

I have had Fibromyalgia and ME for 36 years. I worked for 34 years and have 2 children so I can truly empathise with what you are going through at the moment. It is not easy.

If you need any help at all navigating your way around the forum, please don't hesitate to ask and I will be more than happy to help you.

Wishing you less pain and more peace

Lu x


Jules2408 profile image
Jules2408 in reply to BlueMermaid3

Hi there thank you for your lovely response. I think I must have waffled so much on my message that it must look like I have a child, really sorry but I have a grandchild who is 1 who I look after 1 day a week. She is absolutely adorable and makes me smile. I am going to consider using a stick as I need to become more mobile as like so many others I am struggling with my weight,.

Im sorry if I have waffled but I am so tired sometimes I don't know what day of the week it is lol.

I try and say to my family how difficult I find things and they are lovely but I don't want to let people down. Its my extended family who judge me. I lost my mum last year to Pancreatic Cancer and still struggle with losing her as I used to talk to her about things as she suffered with Fibro too.

Thank you again for your response you all seem a lovely group x

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to Jules2408

Hello again :)

Please don't apologise. You haven't waffled at all.

We all have Fibromyalgia and so we completely understand how you feel.

I am sorry I misunderstood about your grand daughter!

I have been a member of the forum for 4 years and think of it as my online family.

As you have discovered we are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful kind caring group of people here and I have made some fantastic friendships during my time here.

Lu xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Jules2408

Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I am so gneuinely sorry to read that you are suffering and struggling and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues.

I am also so genuinely sorry to read that your family are so judgemental of this? I use a tri-walker as I am prone to falls and I do not personally care what people or family think of me as I would rather use my walking aid than have another fall as I was having far too many and hurting myself.

I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


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