Hi sorry not been on for such a long time ,it might be months, I think I posted back in Aug that I badly broke my leg while on holiday. Well guess what I'm still in a walking boot as it's not mending properly at least till the 20th Dec when I go back to the # clinic.and they decide when I have to get my operation on it again to remove some of the screws that are too long.
I feel so low right now with the broken leg and having the fibro the pain is unbearable at times along with the low mood I feel like I'm a total wast of space,and to top it all I have the most moodiest husband on this planet, right now he is in a strop about something I don't know,I'm the one that gets it with the way he speaks to me like I'm something he picked up on his shoe........I know it won't last and he doesn't mean to be like that and he loves me and would do anything for me,but fight now I'm finding it hard to cope with myself and the pain I'm not in the right frame of mind to be bothered with his silly moods.
Thanks for reading rant over