I know I can post this and get the understanding I can't get from my friends or Drs. I have had a really bad flare up they have told me, but I must try to be more positive and work through the pain? I have tried everything to try and convince myself I don't feel so tired or in constant pain but nothing is getting me through it ?
I have been having problems with my legs and waking for months now. My right leg started dragging and I kept falling over? The pain clinic at Northampton General hospital told me that the MRI was clear so it is not a trapped nerve. They offered me an infusion which is given at the Dentist for removal of teeth. This was a total disaster and for two days after I lost all use of my arms and legs which they said is not linked to that treatment, my dr said that he had heard of this side effect and it would wear off.
I am now on two walking sticks due to the weakness in my right leg and now having problems with my left leg giving way. My Dr said it is connected to the fibromyalgia and there is nothing he can do to treat it. But how do I get better with such a limited mobility? My husband is a star and does everything in the house and has for the last 7 years.
We only got married 6 years ago and things have got so bad I feel he must be feeling the strain and working full time he now has high blood pressure.
I am not complaining and know there are people with so many illnesses worse than mine but often feel so lonely with this illness as so many people think it is MADE UP and in the mind?
Just wondered if anyone else feels like this or has any ideas on what I can do to help my situation.
Thank you so much for reading my post and I hope your all coping better than me at the moment.
This is a picture of my two dogs Alfie is the black one and toffee the puppy