Eye floaters v CRPS : Hi everyone X I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Eye floaters v CRPS

Simba321 profile image
21 Replies

Hi everyone X

I just wondered if anyone has suffered with floaters and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), where the vitreous jelly comes away from the retina and who suffer with CRPS


Christine CRPS


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Simba321 profile image
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21 Replies
bluebell99 profile image

Hi Christine

I have never heard of a connection but then I am learning new things about fibro every day.

Have you tried googling both conditions together to see if there is a link?

Hope you get some good results


Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to bluebell99

Hi Bluebell

Last June my right eye had floaters/flashes ending up with a vitreous detachment (PVD), where the vitreous jelly comes away from the back of eye It has left me with 1floater in the eye .

Now the same thing has happened to the left eye !!

It's like a cobweb with hundreds of black dots , go in a dark room then I get the flashes!!!

I have put it down to stress and high blood pressure because I have been very poorly with BURNING PAIN IN ARM

I will have to go to A&E EYE HOSPITAL when my husband come back from work .

I can't drive like this 😉

Take care

Christine. CRPS

in reply to Simba321

I had this problem a few years ago before being diagnosed with Fibro - I still have floaters and starting to get macular degeneration - because you are getting these flashing lights you need to see an ophthalmologist if you can get into an opticians tomorrow explain what is happening as it could be a detached retina and needs looking at to rule it out as it was thought I had this but luckily it wasn't. Wishing you luck and take care 😘😘😘

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to

Hi toolie

Thank u for your message

When I go in a dark room the flashes in my eye r amazing ,it's like a Catherine firework going round and round ,

I will let u know how I get on tomorrow xx

Take care xx

Christine CRPS UK

in reply to Simba321

Hi Simba yes I had the same as you - very very rarely I still get it but I have my eyes checked yearly as my dad had glaucoma. I just worry now about the macular degeneration. Wish you all the best for tomorrow and hope it's unfounded. Take care 😘😘😘

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

I should probably know, but I don't - is there an HU CRPS forum?

If not, I am wondering whether you have posted this question on the Pain Concern forum as well.

If not, it may be worth doing so.

Unfortunately I do not know if there is any connection or not.

Good luck at the hospital. Please let us know how you get on.

Lu xx

peck profile image

Simba321 , I know we have a member that had issues with this and I can't think of her name . Hopefully she will post.If I think of her name would you like me to msg you with it?? Take care. Peck.🐤

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to peck

Hi Peck

That would be great xx

Thank u xx

Christine CRPS

panda60 profile image

Vitreous detachment is very common, particularly, I was told, amongst short sighted people. I had this in my left eye a couple of years ago and have floaters in my left eye which I have got used to, although they are worse in the sunlight.

It is worth getting checked out - I was to see if I had a torn retina, but fortunately it was ok. You are doing the right thing by going to the hospital.

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to panda60

Hi panda

Thank u for the message xx

Christine CRPS


TheAuthor profile image

Hi my friend

I have pasted you an excerpt and a link to the National Eye Institute cache on this issue, and there is a connection between the two according to them:

*Symptoms and Detection

What are the symptoms of vitreous detachment?

As the vitreous shrinks, it becomes somewhat stringy, and the strands can cast tiny shadows on the retina that you may notice as floaters, which appear as little “cobwebs” or specks that seem to float about in your field of vision. If you try to look at these shadows they appear to quickly dart out of the way.

One symptom of a vitreous detachment is a small but sudden increase in the number of new floaters. This increase in floaters may be accompanied by flashes of light (lightning streaks) in your peripheral, or side, vision. In most cases, either you will not notice a vitreous detachment, or you will find it merely annoying because of the increase in floaters.

National Eye Institute


I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Patdoyle profile image

Yes I have had PVD in both eyes. First time it happened I was scared I was going blind. Went to optician who put the drops in my eye and said it was a PVD. Had floaters and flashes for months. My other eye had the same problem 3 weeks ago and I have still got the floaters and flashes. Don't know if their is any link with other diseases. Hope you are ok

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to Patdoyle

hi patdoyle

Yes it is frightening when u get all thes floaters and flashes in your eye the first time !!!! When it happen the second time it's not so frightening 😉 going to the eye hospital in the morning ,

I will let all my friends know how I got on xx

My crps is very painful due to the cold weather as well

I've put on more pain tablets for the burning pain 😉

Take care and gentle hugs

Christine CRPS

in reply to Patdoyle

Hi Pat have you been back to opticians to rule out detached retina in new eye troubles if not it might be worth getting it checked out. I was told as you get older these things happen. Take care 😘😘😘

Patdoyle profile image
Patdoyle in reply to

Yes I went back but had to insist he put the drops in again to the other eye. He confirmed it was PVD again.

in reply to Patdoyle

Hi Pat not good if you have to insist they put drops in think I'd be changing my opticians. Good luck and hope it settles somewhat for you. 😘😘😘

Patdoyle profile image

Sometimes you feel "what next?" Once I was told what was going on in my eyes I was able to deal with it. The floaters were huge at first but slowly got smaller and hardly noticeable. Good luck for tomorrow

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to Patdoyle

Hi patdoyle

Yes u do think that ' what next' ?????????

With CRPS ,depression,anxiety, etc

It's one thing after another

Take care

Christine UK CRPS

Patdoyle profile image

Me too! Anxiety goes at an all time high when a new symptom kicks in!

Simba321 profile image
Simba321 in reply to Patdoyle

Take care and keep calm 😊

Christine xx

Yes, I have a mild case of PVD. I don't see flashes, but when I read a book, most of the print is light. The eye surgeon mentioned it would 'settle' itself over time and didn't seem unduly concerned as was I. Typical. What about the chances of a retinal tear? I want to KNOW everything about this, but my next private appointment isn't until the middle of December.

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