Head Injury
I am not getting anywhere with my GP surgery. I am not getting far with anything. Reduce on stress they say with this injury. When no one much is helping who could where does that leave me?
The NHS cuts are a disgrace.It seems my doctors vare being paid not to do anything for me.
Very very frustrating. On the 28th of September 2016 I sustained a head injury that was confirmed by a GP the next day. On the 11th October 2016 I saw a different GP because the headaches were worse. He did not want to do anything for me. No tablets, scans such as MRI or CAT. The head pain got even worse. I went to A and E. They said get your GP to send you for an MRI. They gave me pain relief. I eventually got to see a GP who refused to send me for an MRI. I asked why not. His reply was that he did not want me sent from post to pillar and he had my best interests at heart. I could always come to the surgery. Given that I had been twice of this week and have got no where what is the point? He refused to make a referral to a neurologist and the doctor I saw of the Tuesday said there were no head injury specialists which is not true.In the interim period I have tried to change surgery but of course this has failed. Another pack of lies going on there I am left in pain with not much hope. The people you are meant to get help from don't want to know. I did record the last interview. Next on my to do list is contact the health authority to see if they will allocate me a surgery. Of course it is the weekend now and they are closed. I will go to the chemist to see about migraine tablets that I think the head pain is and buy them there. My GP never asked what type of pain had I had and said I don't have a letter from the A and E department so how do I know you have been? I expect they want some sort of receipt next time round. I have had really bad concussion problems that won't let up. I have had two paid chiropractor treatments since the collision of two weeks ago. Not a car accident. The NHS has gone on holiday in my case. My doctors don't want to do anything. I have to collect my medical card from the surgery that did not want me.The lie they gave me over the phone was I am not in the catchment area. Why take my application then? I was told they were by my practice manager in my present rubbish surgery. Things to do as well...write to MP.Contact media. Please message. No I don't have someone to look after me. Another sore issue. I have contacted the head injury group charity but my brain power needs conserving for the rubbish situation I find myself in.