Hi I have been having some electrical shock sensations in my head that is really painful. The very first time I experience this type of pain was 8 yrs ago. It lasted for 7 days. I was taking all type of pain meds and nothing seems to work. I also had 2 spinal taps. The doctors still couldn't find out what was going on. To be honest they acted as if I was delusional or crazy. Now once again 8 yrs later the pain and electrical shock sensations are back. I can't bare this feeling. Can anyone help me or guide me in the right directions? Please and Thank You.
Electric Shocks in my head. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Electric Shocks in my head.

Im sorry you are getting these they sound horrible. I havent any practical advice but wanted to give you a gentle hug.
Oh actually, Have you tried a mctimoney chiropracter or an osteopath? I get bouts of electric shocks down my leg, which i know is different. The chiropracter sorted it out for me in one session. It could be a nerve thing due to misalignment of your spine perhaps? It might be worth a try.
Hedgehog xx
Hi my friend
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue and I have pasted some alternate theories on what this could be:
Live Strong Say:
Neurological Disorders That Have Symptoms of Electrical Shock Feelings:
People can experience two types of pain. "Normal" pain in response to bodily injury, such as a bruise, sprain or burn, is called nociceptive pain. In contrast, neuropathic pain arises when the nerves that transmit pain signals are damaged. Sensations associated with neuropathic pain typically include aching, burning, stabbing or an electrical shock feeling. People with neuropathic pain often experience a combination of pain sensations. Several neurological disorders can give rise to neuropathic pain.
Mental Health Daily Say:
Brain zaps are commonly reported electrical shock sensations that are often experienced during discontinuation of antidepressant medications. Other common names for brain zaps include: brain shivers, electrical shocks, and brain shocks. People often describe them as feeling electrical current uncontrollably zapping their brains, which can be extremely frightening and uncomfortable. A person experiencing these zaps may get dizzy, feel minor pain, and high levels of discomfort.
Anxiety Centre Say:
Anxiety head and brain zaps anxiety symptom description: It feels as if your head, brain, or both have experienced a sudden shake, vibration, tremor, jolt, electric shock, or zap. Some people describe the head and brain zaps symptoms as if the brain has been suddenly jolted by electricity or strong electric charge.
NHS Choices Say:
Trigeminal neuralgia is sudden, severe facial pain. It's often described as a sharp shooting pain or like having an electric shock in the jaw, teeth or gums.
It usually occurs in short, unpredictable attacks that can last from a few seconds to about two minutes. The attacks stop as suddenly as they start.
In most cases trigeminal neuralgia affects part or all of one side of the face, with the pain usually felt in the lower part of the face. Very occasionally it can affect both sides of the face, although not usually at the same time.
People with the condition may experience attacks of pain regularly for days, weeks or months at a time. In severe cases attacks may occur hundreds of times a day.
I think that there are so many things that could be causing this that a trip to the doctors is probably needed but I would ensure I saw a different doctor to last time my friend. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you a million Ken. I'm grateful someone understands.
I was just about to mention that I had brain zaps during my long struggle to get off Seroxat (Paxil).
Nothing much helped except for tapering off the drug very very slowly.
If this is a problem for anyone I would suggest asking for the drug in liquid form and measuring it in a syringe to allow for more accurate and smaller reductions.
Annette xx
I have had brain zaps on and off for years. to me its as though a gun has been shot from inside my head.
I have only ever had them when nodding off to sleep.
Hi, is it in your head or your face? I have trigeminal neuralgia that causes electric shock sensations that can be really nasty. I also used to get what I could only explain as brain apps, like whenever i moved my head my brain would "zap" me and it turned out to be a nasty side effect of a medication I was using. Horrible stuff. Hope you get it sorted soon. X
Hi Lele71 & Ken
Some years ago I had to have a liver biopsy and I was very very nervous and I hadn't had sedative to keep me calm, I didn't know it could be offered. When the injection went into the right side of my body, instead of pain relief I got a electric shock that went straight to my feet and top of my head, with that I told the dr to go away and that he had hurt me, I felt totally exhausted with the pain, anyway didn't get a numbing feeling as I was suppose to and was told he would have to do the same again, so I was left a while to let the area get some relief and I remember telling the dr he had one more chance of doing this otherwise I was leaving the hospital, as it had been so painful, he had no explanation for what had just happened all I knew was that I was getting more nervous about the presedure he was about to perform again, so round 2 and you guessed it excacly the same thing happens this time I could have hit the dr, same electric shock from right side of my body hitting the top of my head to the bottom of my feet really painful, now I was crying and other people had come in to witness what was going on, including my husband but with me saying 'let's go home I'm not having this done again' I had my liver specialist called who persuaded me to stay but that they would do it under a scan percedure and with a cocktail of medicine that would calm me down. So round 3 began, I was scanned and the lady said 'oh yes I can see the area where the injection had been and it looks very inflamed, ok let's then go in the middle of your chest and do it there' so it felt like I was being shot with no pain, but I didn't care because of the sedative, I also thought the lovely nurses where holding my hands which was lovely in fact they were holding me just in case I moved, (husband told me after) lol
I've told many people about this and nobody could tell me what had happened I thought I gone mad, but not one professional had said possible anxiety but until today I had no answer but now I think anxiety mixed with fibro possibly caused the pain.
Lele71 I hope you manage to get to the bottom of you're electric shocks, and No longer have the pain that you are feeling. I really believe our brains sometimes get muddled up with the fibro stuff, may be look at anxiety, I do remember the dr saying from the outside you didn't look worried about the presedure, that's me put on a brave face even when I'm terrified, I never even thought about that until today, really helpful for me, thank you to both of you,
Hi Dawn. You are most welcome. I do suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. It's scary but real. Sometimes I wonder do I have fibromyalgia because my body aches and a massage is forbidden even if it's a light massage it's painful. Sometimes if someone touch my back it hurts. Let me not forget about the 2 cysts I have in my lower lumbar and 2 in my sacrum. I get the epidural injections for. Yes I have a lot going on so Please keep me in Prayer. God Bless You All.
My experience of this kind was when the sedative was just pushed into my system too quickly, it really throws your central nervous system up the wall!!
Do you mean flashes that zap across your head at random feeling like they are traveling straight through your brain?
Hi I get this now And again when I'm go to bed I find it frightening it only lasts a few seconds but it's a horrible feeling
I had two episodes of having extremely painful electric shock like pains in my head many years ago but accompanying them I was actually paralysed and unable to speak, I thought I was dying and was very frightened. I was definitely awake at the time and wanted to shout for help but couldn't. When the pain finished and I was able to move and talk again I was left feeling really dreadful for days, it felt as if there was a heavy weight pressing down on my head. I mentioned the episodes to my gp but he hadn't a clue what they were and years later I mentioned them to a neurologist who said that they could have been mini strokes.
I have also had the short, mild electric shock like feelings in my head when coming off tramadol. x
Do you get them just as you are dropping off to sleep by any chance?
Hi there
I have have had an electric throbbing pain in my head for 10+ years now. Nothing showed up on the MRI scan. Doctors put me on Gabapentin- These drugs are used for people who suffer from Epilepsy. 300mg / 3 times a day. They do not help. I did suffer a sleep paralysis 11 years ago,but the doctors were not helpful or knowledgeable of what to do.
I do notice that when I am very tired,stressed,in brightly lit places or around people who are noisey,my head throbs even more. Quite often I have to remove myself from a social gathering if the vocal decibels rise to much. I can't been around strobing or flashing lights. I have extreme tinnitus,which is another condition I do not seem to be getting any help with. I have suffered with fibromyalgia for 25 years now. Since my son was born and have injuries to my feet. My hands & feet are painful all the time & I have tried many dietary ideas. But this is tedious,especially if you're on your own.
Acupuncture did work,but only as a temporary measure. Literally a day or two. I think this is bc acupuncture deals directly with the nerves. I also wear tinted glasses which I think does help,a little. But I think I have always been light sensitive.
I am at my tether & a friend has suggested that I try CBD oil. The NHS are testing the use of this for pain,but not at my doctors.
I have also turned to trying using Chinese mushrooms- namely Reishi and Pleurotis. more information on these can be found on the Mycology website.
Yes I agree with you medication can be responsible for these awful side effects, maybe look at the leaflet with your meds and see if anything says it might do this..Talk to your g.p maybe a different partner in the practice and if they ignore you present at A&E when it happens again they will CT your head and check bloods for possible incompatability..

Hi , I have this sometimes,told it was neuralgia.usually lasts for about a week.Even touching my hair is agony. It can be on 1 side of my face or across my head,any head area really. Painkillers take the edge off sometimes but still hurts.I've noticed being in a cold draught seems to trigger it.
I have this too at night in my head neck and mouth. I don't know what to do either. My
doctor doesn't seem to know.