Does anyone get flu jabs for free with fybromyalgia I normally pay for mine,as if I get the flu I'm ill for weeks.
Flu jabs: Does anyone get flu jabs for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Flu jabs

My gp would never let me have a free one with fibro, but now i have inflammatory rheumatoid athritis, and the hospital suggested i have one, i am allowed a free one. I used to have to pay before, as just like you it made me so ill for weeks, if i got flu. We are more prone to pick up every germ etc. going, so i think we should all be allowed. I couldn't really afford to pay, but i really needed it.
Hi I understand that if you are classed as being in an "at risk" group ,over 65 or as a carer for a person then it's free,
Outside of this between 18- 65 you will probably have to pay.
Take care,
Hi hun may I ask how old you are and are you in England coz rules differ in Scotland

I'm 50 and in England I normally pay £10 at sainsburys pharmacy to get it done.
I,'ve been offered one since 40 coz of R,A. And childhood epilepsy,not sure about having you see the practice nurse at all? They are usually very keen to offer s flu jabs.
Hi there
Unless you have a condition such as Asthma or as Crusee says in an "at risk" group you will not be offered the 'flu jab.
To answer your question being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia does not qualify you for a free 'flu jab.
Unfortunately many of us suffer with other conditions as well as Fibro and so we are offered the jab.
Lu x
I was given one last year when I didn't want one. At the time I had been discharged from rheumy as they decided I didn't have inflammatory disease "only" fibro, osteoarthritis gerd, sleep apnea and possible sjorgens. It might be worth asking at your GP surgery if they could give you flu jab if you feel you want one.
with sjogrens,the flu can often cause complications such as costochondritis,I have just booked my free flu jab because of this
I've got sjorgens too, are you getting it done for free at your docs? I'm newly diagnosed , so didn't know about complication risk of flu. Been really ill for 1 yr now Could do without anything else.
I get mine free as I have asthma and COPD but most folk don't tend to get a free one for Fibro unfortunately.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
This is the first year ive been giving flu jab. I was in with doctor on monday morning about something totally different and she said i must give u your flu jab now your here. I said no its ok im on enough tablets, as i have six different ailments = 18 tabs a day. I didnt want them reacting to jab. Her reply was ' get that sleeve up now 'lol. So hopefully it works.
I got one last year at my GPS surgery - I just went in for a blood test, mentioned it to the nurse and she did it there and then. Year before I just went along to one of the weekend flu clinics and they jabbed me - I was just in a queue.
I had first one last year. Was given it because of fibro. No other health problems. However did learn could have had it years ago as i've been a carer fot 16 years. But when your son gets diagnosed with mod-severe autism, has to have all sorts of specialist help all through health service when young, then had 2 more sons diagnosed, didnt realise it wasnt in wit and wisdom of gp to put mother as a carer! So last year, now my sons have vastly improved, it was entered on my medical notes that i was a carer! I could have had free jabs years ago.
I've had Fibro since 1999 and free flu jabs ever since.
I got my free Flu jab last year! x
Hay Kjb121
My OH has Sero Negative Arthritis and qualifies for the free one, and they say I qualify as her spouse (her GP practice). I have RA along with Fibro, so I qualify for the free one, and they say my OH qualifies as spouse (my GP practice). I have mine when I have my bloods done in October each year.
Our local Tescimo offers the jab free for certain qualifying reasons or £9, which I think is a bargin compared to what flue costs in meds etc.
Hayesider, xx
I have just heard something about the flu jab that I need to pass on and people can either act on it or not its up to you.
My husband went to work and one of the females said their daughter had already had the flu jab and with in an hour felt really ill, a few days later met up with a friend who she told what had happened she was a Dr she said the reason for it was that the old injection were only 5% affective were as the new ones are 75% affective and we should have been told to take vitamin C for 5 days before jab and if still felt ill just to take aspirin .
So now the ball is in your court to take or not to take Vitamin C.
Love & Hugs keep smiling :>)
I get a free one with fibromyalgia.
I'm afraid you just have to be on benefits or get old
Only time my Quacks ring/contact me is for when it's bung time (they get paid)as rung other day to say hey we need to book you in for a jab! to which i said no thanks!
Ask your surgery if your condition is classed as one of the conditions that can have a free jab,,,,your condition is one that flu would really upset the condition,,,,,don't pay when you maybe eligible for free,,,,and look around for special prices from different chemists,,,,I even noticed one in passing that was offering them for free,,,,good luck in your quest,,,ttfn ftom Karen.
Iv had mine already had it on Wednesday and I feel fine only thing I get is a swelling where they inject only lasts about a week , and its worth it , so as not to get the flu , I dont have to pay but I also havd asthma and diabetes , but as others have said see if you can get it free if not shop around I know last year our local chemist was doing them for a fiver so its worth shopping around for it , good luck
Hugs sarah