Hi nice to be able to talk to people who are just like me. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2012 after having a hysterectomy.. I'm a mother of a 23 yr. old son who also has fibro....I'm excited about meeting new people who live their life with fibro.
Introducing myself: Hi nice to be able... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Introducing myself

Hi Luchianadotson, welcome to the site. Sorry you can't sleep either, can't be easy with both you and your son having fibro. Who had it first do you think ? There will be plenty of people along in the morning to say hi to you and help you out with anything you would like to know, they are a very friendly bunch.
Hi Luchianadotson, welcome! Yes, people are wonderfully friendly here, I'm sure you will find some helpful information and a great deal of support if you need that. I myself have a painful rare disease called Adiposis Dolorosa on top of the fibro, so I've got mountains of sympathy for all here who are dealing with pain. Fibro isn't comfortable for anyone, but it must be especially disappointing for someone as young as your son who should be enjoying some carefree days. Tell him we're here for him too, if he has questions or just needs sympathetic ears. Wishing you a day with minimum discomfort!
Welcome to the forum there are usually someone us about during the darkest hours as insomnia often goes hand in hand with insomnia. I try to keep if the tablet but it was just one of those nights s I have had acupuncture and it has had a strange effect on me as though it is travelling through my body. Hope it is a good traveller.
Have you had a chance to look on our mother site Fibromyalgia Action UK as there is some good information on there.
I am sure my symptomsns started many years back and some were more pronounced since I had a hysterectomy many years back, I was quite young.
This for! Is a mixture of friendship, support, advice but none if us have medical training we just swop what we have learnt and some laughs. Look forward to your future posts.x
Hi luchianadotson
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted for you below a link to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:
I am so genuinely sorry to read that both yourself and your son have Fibro and I want to sincerely wish you both all the best of luck, and please take care of each other.
All my hopes and dreams for both of you
Hi, hope you enjoy the site, it's great to be able to go somewhere in the wee small hours if you can't get to sleep and have a chat, always someone around. I also like if it's a really cold night I don't even have to wrap up warm to step outside to talk to someone, just stay in my cosy bed with a hot chocolate ☕️ by my side mmm.. We all maybe strangers but this site makes us feel like close friends !! ( I was going to say family, but unfortunately not all family see or hear what we go through) we are really lucky because if you think of years ago their was nowhere to go and had to suffer in silence, now we can talk to people across the world all at the click of a button. Anyway just wanted to welcome you and hope you find your not alone, also your son if he needs to talk. Xx
Hi welcome to fibromyalgia (sorry that's not a very nice welcome- who wants fibromyalgia!!). - I have a son of 24 - god I would find it a lot more difficult to cope with my fibromyalgia and his fibromyalgia- so I commend you - I joined this site about 7 months ago - why didn't I do it earlier! great supportive site -😊. Neese x
Hello and welcome luchianadotson....I am also pretty new and have found this group so friendly and helpful it has given me a real boost. I wonder how many of us have other family members with Fibro? Maybe have to find out!!
Hope you have a good day today...
Big welcome to you and hopefully your son....... i am a newbie of about 10 days and have already received soo much support and friendship.... i only came across the site by accident.... but it has already had a HUGE positive impact.
Here you can be totally honest and open about whats happening with your life etc..... people on here are simply the best....as we all truely understand what chronic pain etc is
Hope you have your best day
Much love Lolly x
Hiya, if you receive the same response as I did you will be a happy bunny, I wish you and your son lots of luck and best wishes hope you get lots and lots of support.
Hi and welcome , so sorry you too have this awful disease ,it's it fun is it . We are quite a cheery lot , unless we are in the pit and then it's good to have someone to chat with , who knows how it really feels .Anything you need to know , someone will know and will point you in the right direction . I have three children two of whom have early symptoms of maybe getting it , I pray they don't .My dad had it too . I was 12 years old when I had it and probably a bit younger but that's when they stopped saying it was growing pains and took it seriously , I'm 63 now so that's a long time and I have survived just and so will you . The only advice I will give you is don't go wasting money on cures I spent thousands on it and this moment there is no cure . . Xx
Hi and welcome to our friendly site lovely people who understand what you are talking about and also to listen help and advise Carol ☺