Thank you for your kind words, I said good by to my sister today there are know words to say how I feel, had my appointment Tuesday with it have fibro so trying to get my head around it all, now I know why I have all this pain.
Fibro update: Thank you for your kind... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro update

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear sister.
You must be utterly heartbroken. There are no words that any of us can say to lessen the pain or soften the blow.
As you said, you now know why you have all this pain. It is awful how the fibro reacts to such emotional stress.
There are many people on this site who will be able to support you by listening and talking to you.
Sending kind, loving thoughts and gentle hugs. Xxx
Today must have been so difficult for you. I do hope that your appointment goes well on Tuesday. I can imagine with all the stress your pain must be at a high level. Take care of yourself.x
No words any one can say will take the pain of losing someone so close to you away . But we are all here for you and now you have your diagnosis you are definitely in the right place . We are all here because we have the pains of fibro and itvdoes help to talk about it with people who know exactly what you are going through . There are always people ready to chat and llisten any hour of the day or night ( A lot suffer with lack of sleep ) so if you have any questions or just want to chat we will all be here wishing you a pain free and sleep filled night xx
Read your previous post so sorry to read about your sister - it must be an awful time for you - fibromyalgia is difficult enough to handle but worse with stress - I have most of the problems you have - very very tired but cannot sleep , pain all over but especially in legs, knees, ankles and feet (sometimes lower back). easier to manage if I don't sit for long and don't walk for long (pacing). And I am trying to keep my stress and anxiety levels lower (easier said than done). - sometimes I can't be asked to do things - just want to curl up and be left alone - we are trying to adjust to life around my "good day - bad day". its the only way I can cope - felt so alone 6 months ago did not realise there were so many. fibros around. at least I have company now - hope this site helps you - Neese x
so very sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss xxx
Hi frances I am so sorry to hear your sad news. There are no words that will bring you comfort just now. I do know though that as time goes on the tears you shed now will turn to tears of laughter and joy when you remember and share the memories of your dear sister. In the mean time know that I am thinking of you and sending you big hugs. Dianne😀X
I'm very sorry for you, there are really no words that I know to comfort you.
Just remember that she wouldn't want you to be ill because of her. Look after yourself and I'm sending all my good wishes to you.
Keep strong and hope you get some sleep, night 😴🌸🌺
frances1 , So sorry about your sister.We are here for you 24/7 should you need someone. Take care.Peck
Hi frances1
I am so genuinely sorry about the sad loss of your sister, and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck my friend and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
France's 1
I've just seen your post and am so sorry to read your sad news. Sending you loads of love and hugs. Takecare of yourself.
Evie xxx
So sorry, Sending gentle hugs for you and your family.
Sue xx
So sorry to hear this, very sad for you. On a brighter note at least you now know what is wrong, and why you was in so much pain. Take care.
I am so sorry for your loss.