Is anyone on MST continus I have been on it for over a year and still be in a lot of pain, I have tried most of the other meds and nothing seems to help.
MST!!: Is anyone on MST continus I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

MST is not right for FMS pain because it is opiate based, and I believe it takes about 3 days for any effectiveness to be reduced. It can be helpful from time eg. sudden flare ups etc. In the meantime I think you should talk to your Dr. about alternatives. Having said that, FMS pain can be difficult to deal with on a day by day basis, and some people struggle more with pain than others. Some people can just about manage from day to day but have some pretty horrendous flare ups, and aggravated by stress. I do think you need to speak to a Dr and if the Dr you have doesn't understand the impact of this condition, you might be better off finding someone more sympathetic
I do wish you well. Tulip xx
May I ask what is MST?? Is it by chance morphine sulfate?? Wish you luck. Peck🐤
Yep! How are you Hun? xx
Hey sweetie I'm good and you?? Hope all is well ...been missing you.Peck🌷🌷🌷
life is tough going at times. hands + sciatica causing many probs. Gabapentin good for Sciatica, but then sleeping so much, so this the best time of day for me. Awake and just waiting to see if I'm going to manage without the next dose of Gabapentin Hands, especially the right - i'm right handed (of course) - so swollen and hot and painful! Happy days! Otherwise nothing new to report. XX
Odhran4, My husband was on this a few years back...can't even remember what for.I know it didn't help as he was put on fentanyl patches and they were very helpful.Good luck.
Me too peck. Been on 50 to 75 microgrammes for 7 years. 🐸
Hi, I hope it helps you the way it helped him!! Peck🐤
I know when it stops working if I forget to change it that's for sure lol 🐸
It's 3 days right??He doesn't use them anymore but they are good if used right.They don't prescribe to much here anymore because of abuse.One bad apple!!🍎🍎🍎
Yep. I have problems getting them to stick to my right thigh! No idea why. They stick well to the left one 😳. I use a couple of strips of micropore just to keep them fastened down, but that lifts on the left too. Very strange. Crazy to abuse something like that. Apart from knocking someone out I can't see what anyone would get out of it. Mind you they could put a needle in to suck out the fentanyl itself. 🐸
Hi Odhran4
MST continus is a very fast acting opioid and it is for moderate to severe pain. However, like all opioids there is the risk of addiction. There are other medications that you could discuss with your GP if you have not tried them already? One comes to mind called ''Nefopam'' it is just as strong but not as addictive as it is not opioid based.
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
MST works on a continuous basis in the system. Its not for breakthrough pain. Its very addictive and in my experience the dose keeps going up. I was on it for over a year for arthritic pain.
Sorry don't know what it is. I do see others have good suggestions.
Thank you everyone for your help.
Hi Hun, I have been on this drug about ten yrs, yes I still have a lot of pain, but if I come of this drug, then the pain is horrific. I take it with other pain Meds, wen asking if there was anything ESLE I could take or increase, he z NO because I actually take more pain relief than someone with cancer.. We're do I go next ????
I take the MST for chronic pain, I have MS
Does it help joyce65?
Yes it does help as if I forget to take it I am pulling my hair out, the only promblem is overtime u need to add things in with it, or increase the MST. Promblem is we're do u go wen u reach the limit..
Myself I am hoping they bring the canibis drug out, they talked about it on the news about two yrs ago. It's surpossed to help with pain with out the fix. They called it Sativex. Now wen I first asked my pain doctor it was only in Holland. Recently it was getting trailed in lsle of Man. So we will have to wait and see. Hope this helps 👍🏻💊📈
Hi friends. I am on the mst continus and here's my story. At the beginning of my severe pain in my back 14 years ago I eventually in the end had to go on the fentanyl patches. Ended up on 75mcg.a high dose, with oramorph liquid for break through pain. suited very well anbd controlled my pain.
I got myself off the patch in 4 days by myself with hardly any withdrawals.and Dr was astounded.i didn't like withdrawals. Anyway was put on mst C at 40mg every 12hours with oramorph.pain was terrible.and I had to take more oramorph. So I ran out.then I asked Dr to increase mst as I was still in severe pain(understandable as fentanyl is 100x stronger than morphine).
Increased to 60mg of mst and still in pain, on its own its not working.i will have to probably get 100-120mg a day to equal nearly to fentanyl patches. Horrible experimenting with new medication when in such pain. Wish you all a pain free or almost pain free week.linda 🌷