I'm about to switch from 150mgm of tramadol twice a day to mst 15mgm twice a day. Has anyone done this switch and/or taken mst and how have they found this medication? Thank you x
MST anyone? : I'm about to switch from... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
MST anyone?

Hi maggiet l changed from Tramadol to mst. Think I found the tramadol better for the pain. But anything I take does not get rid of the pain. The mst helps in that it makes me a bit high, so easier to cope with the pain. But if I try to stop it or cut down I get the most awful withdrawals. I start crying and get very anxious amongst other things. Hope I have not frightened you off. Think everybody reacts different to each other when taking meds, and really the only way to see if something works for you is to try it. I could not tolerate gaberpentin or amertriptilin. xxl
Hi Maggiet , I don't take Tramadol, although I have had in past but I have recently started using Butrans Patches and reducing Solpadol 30/500. I know it's not the same but close similarities. I have cut the solpadol down to half of what I was taking, although I still get periods of quite bad pain, it's not continuous, so in that respect, it's 10% better. Baring in mind that everyone is very different and medication that helps one person, maybe wouldn't help another.
Hope this helps & wish you luck with the change.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Good luck, let us know how it goes x
Well done to you Maggiet...xx
Yea I got cold turkey it was affull you sure you wanna do that
Hi my friend
I have never taken this myself but I wanted to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Tried all of them
terrible come down
the best pain killer is
if you need to reduce dosage these
are easily the least aggravation
with cold turkey you can be off within
ten days including heroin.He
doctors don't like prescribing it because of the price£272 per 50 pills
good luck
Never heard of those will try to get them Thanks 🙏
I found Tramadol a 'dirty' drug. It made me feel paranoid and unhinged. MST worked ok for a while but I started feeling more and more queasy. stopped eating properly and lost 1 stone. For me that was bad as I was only 9 stone 12 to start with and I am 5 ft 6".
MST also stopped being effective or else my pain got worse. Who can say. These pain medications are very personal in their effects.
Very true and thank you for your reply. I tolerated Tramadol until I got to 150mg twice a day, but felt very odd if I tried to increase it. I've got slow release mst so hopefully won't get a rush of side effects, but I've got an anti-emetic, Ondansetron, on standby!
Me too
Found that Tramadol actually worked a little in years past, but couldn't not, simply could not stand the itching. Now I'm using OXY, which is monitored closely, and it too helps, but one of the side effects is the darn itching. I'm writing from Florida where the use of Liquid THC, or CBD oil extract is on the ballot here and up for vote on Nov 8th. I personally know many people who live in other states where the medicinal use of Marijuana (euphoric properties removed) is use successfully to treat Fibromyalgia along with other maladies. The last time this came up for a vote they approved it for CERTAIN conditions, such as Lupus, chronic rheumatoid, etc. BUT NOT FIBROMYALGIA. Now, is THAT insane or what? Along with a stripped down bill it was mentioned that doctors should consider every OTHER treatment before suggesting CBD Oil (of which there are 11 strains I believe) be prescribed. Really? Like people are being prescribed Oxycontin, and a host of other powerful drugs, BEFORE a benign, non addictive liquid, which has been used to treat problems associated with pain, etc, for 1000 of years. I, along with millions of other are crossing our fingers that another treatment for this dreaded illness will be approved.