what type of evidence can you take I got sick note my old medcial record from my gp anything else?
evidence for esa appeal : what type of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
evidence for esa appeal

New letter from your Dr stating rules 29/35 if they apply to you.
You will find these rule and regulations for DWP.
Any letter from hospital, any hospital appointments you have to come.
Any treament IE Physio. My husband was attending a CFS clinic they wrot him a lovely letter stating these regulations. To long to go into them you need to read them, out Doctor was very happy to be told about these rules and regulations as they new nothing of them.
Hope this helps
Aww what happen with your husband I got a appointment with my doctor coming up so I'm gonna ask him to wirte to them and give me new evidence hope that will help.
He was fine never Evan bothered him.
Ok your going to see your Doctor soon, please do this even if you have to pay someone to print them out.
Type in DWP rules and regulations then find rules 29&35 print out and get 2 copies.
Take one to your doctors and ask them to read it and say if you think that I come under these rules will you please refer to them in my letter.
It soon shuts them up.
Please go and read them you will be surprised at what they say.
If you have trouble finding them just type in rules 29 or 35 for DWP.
Ps they will have already written to your doctor but just say you want a new letter in more detail to take with you, it cost me £15 worth every penny.
I just had my ESA and because my doctor reference these rules and how I fitted into them I got my results 8 days later and I to was granted to say on ESA.
I worked from the age of 14/56 and I made it clear to them I loved my job and I cryed when I had to give up.
I'm not from UK but I do wish you the very best!!! Peck.😊
Hi Shahanara123
I have never been through anything of this nature my self, but i have pasted you a link for the CAB cache on ''ESA Appeals'' so I sincerely hope that you find this useful:
I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck with your appeal, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you