I have yet to find a Polymyagia Society, which is why I tag on to Fibromyalgia, but I do have tinnitus, again you have to belong to Deaf Society for that, because there is no TInnitus Society!!!!
Fibromyalgia or Polymyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia or Polymyalgia

Good morning Elizabeth.
Sorry to hear that you have Polymayalgia Rhuematica, and I hope that you will get it under control quickly. There is a dedicated support group on Health Unlocked for PMR, but I've still got on my foggy head, and I cant quite remember how to access other forums.
Please don't feel bad about coming on to our forum as we're happy to help in whatever way we can. The advantage of being on a Dedicated Condition Site is that you will get help and advice from people who have that condition.
I hope that you will begin to feel a lot better soon, and the good news is......I believe if you have PMR and get the right treatment (usually Prednisilone) it can be brought to a manageable level.
Take care.
GP. 😊
Hi again,
Brain Fog has cleared. If you go to the top of the page where your posts are displayed, you will see a choice of My communities and a small arrow. Click on the arrow and then click on "other communities " and that should take you to all the other forums for different conditions.
There is a community on Health Unlocked for your condition, you are also very welcome here of course, many of us have other health problems too xxx
Hiya Elizibeth.
Glad you asked about that because I have both Fibro and ploymyagia.
From what I have found out so far which is not a lot they are both very similar but I find that the polymyalgia more debilitating for me,the reason being I used to love creating things Knitting etc and swimming but because polymyalgia seems to effect my shoulder,neck,arms much more I am restrict to very little at a time.
I am still waiting to go hospital to see the specialist as the Steriods they put me on put me in hospital for 3 days.
I think you will find this forum very helpful in all aspects of any myalgia.
Take care
Hi again Elizabeth-D
I have pasted you a link below to the Polymyalgia forum.
All my hopes and dreams for you