Hi, my name is Christine, I am 65 years old, (my youngest Granddaughter thinks I'm prehistoric) I have suffered with Fibromyalgia for about 3 years now and find it very debilitating. Especially the lack of sleep, and feeling like I've been dragged off a bonfire. Some days are better than others, and at times I really have to force myself to do housework and take the sweetest dog ever for a walk.
About me!!!: Hi, my name is Christine... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
About me!!!

Welcome to our very friendly forum Christine 😊 I think you have come to the best place to find information about fibro and friends to support you. Could I suggest that you take a look at our mother site fmauk.org where you will find a lot of helpful information.
As I said we are a friendly lot and we believe that laughter can also help us with our pain as it released feel good endorphins, so you will find some fun posts which you are more than welcome to join in with, but if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine too. I'm sure many more people will come along to welcome you😀
and I'm sending lots of positive healing vibes your way 😊😊
Foggy x
Nice to have a new face on the block. I hope you find as much laughter and support as I have. There is comfort in knowing you are not alone.
Afternoon nedd my friend, how are you doing this not so fine day? 😊😘
Hi Foggy
I am trying to knit myself back together. One has been slowly unravelling of late. I am banking on the coming of warmer weather to infuse me with a tad more energy, one can't cut the mustard any more and it has been noticed! It's the relentlessness of the beast. Some of us just reach our sell by date before others. Whatever them at work and pensions say. And I only work 13 hours a week! With all those lovely school holidays thrown in. Which I spend most of flat on me back. Gawd knows how others cope. Still knit one purl one drop one (or two) in bright colours with the hope of distracting others from looking too closely.
How is you doing. I passed one of your funnies on today to a mate that was flagging. Much appreciated. Can't start the day without one.
Welcome to the gang.
Hi Chri)stine , Welcome to a great forum.Its full of freindly, helpful and most of all FUNNY (very theraputic) people. Look forward to chatting with you. Peck✌
Welcome to the forum from another Prehistoric. X
Hi and a lovely warm welcome to our wonderful forum Christine.
As Foggy has mentioned you've certainly come to right place.
There's always someone here to chat too, day or night!
Do hope to see you around
Soft hugs,
Elizabeth xxx
Hi ChRiS-tInE
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I am so genuinely sorry to read that you also have Fibro and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you so much, I was beginning to think I was the only one, as everyone I know has never heard of FM, my family and friends just tend to humour me about my symptoms. Fellow sufferers have my deepest sympathy.
Thank you again
Christine x
Yes, welcome to this forum. Your comment about your granddaughter made me smile. I too am 65 but unfortunately have no children. This is a tough disease. My doctor has prescribed gabapentin that has helped with the ripping burning pain. I'm in the USA and it can be difficult to find the right doctor here. Pain management here included painful injections in my hip joints that didn't help and were excruciatingly awful to receive. My Gastroenterologist recommended that I see a rheumatologist and it was he who prescribed the Gabapentin. Falling asleep then staying asleep are huge challenges for me too. Last night I went to sleep just fine but woke up at 1:00 AM for a couple of hours. Then I slept until 6:00 AM. Occasionally I don't sleep at all. I never know hoe much I'm going to hurt. Fibromyalgia is really a tough illness. All the best you!