have had a form sent to me,because i have asked the disability to look at my claim again, as i have a stair lift,walkin shower put in, and just recently i have had a bar put on side of my bed, a lifeline and a commode, also for the last 10 years i have had incontinance, but for 2 years i have pads delivered to me, but i am under pressure not to put these forms in as i could lose my benefits, was on higher rate care, but after medical was taken down to low care indefinatly, is it worth trying to claim again for some help my son was helping me on weekends but he as afamily of his own and now he as afull time job,don,t know where to turn
want some advice about a form that wa... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
want some advice about a form that was sent to me about claiming higher rate allowance

Sorry im not up on things at that level but if you were to ring Citizen's Advice they will guide you better and maybe you could apply for a carer with higher level this would help you and your son can come for a friendly visit instead and you'll have all the help you'll need, the only thing is I don't know if you'll qualify for it but there are all kinds of help out there and citizens advice are a worthy advocate and advisor. please ring them they are your best bet and good luck all the best x
who is saying not to put the forms in?
the benefits & work guides would help you see what qualifies for higher rate care.
they are available from
also ask your gp and consultants to write letters of support for you,
ask them to send them to you to go into your claim pack - make copies.
you can ask the social services for an assessment for carers.
let us know what happens.
hi sorry I have already sent you the link! its me age ducky lol x
Hi there,I get high rate DLA care and mobility.To qualify for the mobility part you have to be unable or virtually unable to walk on your bad day without severe pain/discomfort.For the care part you would have to need help from someone several times throughout the day as well as unable to prepare and cook a meal on a bad day and need help during the night as well.You should include what aids you use but need to state that even though you have these aids you still need help as they may say that because you have aids that you are capable.Maybe that is why someone said that you shouldn't include it.I would help if someone from CAB could fill the form out for you as I was on low rate and the CAB done the form for me when I asked for it to be re-assessed and I got awarded high rate.You need to know how to best word your form,alternately an organisation called DIAL can help you with the form and appealing as well x
Hi there,I've only just read your message so sorry for late reply.I will look up the number for dial and send it to you.What area do you live in?x
bridgend.ogmore vale.but it does not matter now because i have given up, under too much pressure not to claim and to keep the peace have decided not to claim.been have disputes with family all day and they have worn me down. now i could,nt care less about my self . live or die ..patner afraid he miight have to get a job but he is nearly 61.. all he cares about is him self. so thank you all for help. hope you will be well.