Was a lift to read your info selby an no ur an oldie like me. This fibro is awful pig spent all nite awake wi neck pain nausea etc u can't tell anyone how hard it is I feel for u keep in touch most people in my life don't no how bad I feels at times. Fedupme me
To selby: Was a lift to read your info... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
To selby

Dear Lady
I have read all your posts and does in deed sound like classic fibro.
You will be aware there is no cure
with a mass of fibromites we endeavour to fight the blues away also having a jolly
good attempt to control your pain, Reading back through your file it seems your
hearing and I suspect motion sickness play a large part in your pain. Sometimes
chatting having a ggigle helps.I am sure you have tried most things but how about
peppermint tea - very soothing! Or permints never get a miss.
Now if you only want to chat with one person then Private messaging is your answer!
Cheerio for now may pop back later - catch this smile it is for you.
x Ginsing
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you