Feeling low..😴: Xxx Thanks. Barb πŸ˜‰ - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Feeling low..😴

Sweetdreams profile image
β€’8 Replies





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Sweetdreams profile image
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8 Replies
julie51 profile image

Hi sweetdreams. Sorry to hear you are feeling low today. Sometimes it just it's in that way without reason. Myself there's no pattern.

Hope you are feeling a little better soon.

Julie xx

Hope you feeling better this morning. Xx

OldnCreaky profile image

I am sorry that you are feeling so low at the moment. I hope you don't mind but I have copied an old post of mine in the hope that there is something in it that will help you. This time of year is always hard on everyone; yesterday was officially the lowest of the year earning itself the name 'Blue Monday'. Remember to be kind to yourself; you are still reaching out to others which makes you a fighter, even if the battle is not yet won.

As a Fibro surfer (it sounds so much better than sufferer) I describe my life as being like one of those slot machines that show multiple combinations to win; or more commonly lose. I think that my reels spin about every 10 minutes or so; and my mixture of fog, pain, fatigue, headache, tinnitus and depression changes every time. So I may set out knowing where I am going and feeling able to complete the task, but give me 10 minutes and all that can change!

I know that no-one understands me like I do, but when I need help, there isn't a lot out there. I am really grateful that this forum means I am never on my own. So I hope that I can share things that have helped me in the past and are helping me now.

There are lots of other resources out there, but these are to help you choose something to get you started; do not expect to attempt them all at once!!

These are places on the internet where you can get free help and support:

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy:




Alphawave Music for relaxation and study:


Psychotherapists on YouTube:


Paul McKenna has apps/ books/ downloads. He is the best hypnotherapist that I have listened to:

Edited By Admin

I use warm baths and scented candles, and nice perfume so that I always smell lovely as small ways to feel better about myself. Look for the small things that can make a difference to you; and treat them as successes in the fight to stay strong.

With (((Gentle hugs))) to you all.

CreakyBea profile image

Can really relate to 'feeling low' this is me at present (and past!) and have to start a fat free new way of healthy eating G.P. orders) to get rid of excess weight ....so hope your day is better than mine ...

Hartleyhare2 profile image

hI Barb, one of those days! They seem to come without rhyme or reason, apar from lack of sleep but I'm sure a lot of its down to the meds as well. I just try to keep busy and realise how many people are worse off than me. I was taught to write a Grattitude list when feeling blue or down in the dumps. A roof over my head, food, companionship, a diagnosis and medication a partner that hasn't killed me yet and a wonderful son. Apart friends from music, books and films which I do a bit at a time what lifts me is looking out the bedroom window and seeing all the birds fussing around and organising a pecking order. It's a beautiful blue skied day today I think they falsely think it's spring. Oh and somone else who's listening to the birds! My silver grey feline foot warmer Wilson. It's uncanny how he knows when I'm having a bad day he sticks to me like glue other days he doesn't even talk to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hope you remember we have to have bad days so we recognise what the good ones look like.

Wishing you bright blessings from one fibro warrior to another.

PatrickπŸ’œ xxx

1-luvBabs profile image

Hi barb, how are you feeling today? I really hope that you are better today? We all go through these down gloomy days, the good thing is we do snap out of them, just like the fibro pains come & go, so do these moods. Think of something that makes you happy?Thinking of you. My healing hugs to you. love Babs.x

TheAuthor profile image

Please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

Hartleyhare2 profile image

Hi Barb, hope some of the sunshine has made its way to you taoday🌞🌞🌞

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