HA, Hubbys just got up for work and said will you get some sleep.( HA .HA) I wish it was that easy He sits dowm he falls asleep. bless him .maybe i need to do a bit of this π π π π π³. He he .I WISH LOL X
Sleep: HA, Hubbys just got up for work... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

mine does that, go to say something turn around and there he is zonked out, he can sleep standing up. sometimes I think the sleep fairy is sitting on his shoulder laughing at me
My boyfriend is exactly the same. A wonderful David Attenborough Great Barrier Reef documentary the other night was punctuated with snuffling and snoring! I wonder if any marine life snores...?
I love snorkeling and used to do scuba. It is surprisingly noisy underwater! Most of it is clicking noises -- I think some kinds of fish and animals use echolocation. I love David Attenborough, and have probably seen that documentary!! I watch the underwater ones especially, since I live in NW Oregon, USA, and the ocean is too cold for snorkeling. I only get to do that on the rare vacation. There are some good underwater videos on utube. If you like them, search for "Diving in Bali" -- it's a good one, beautiful and soothing!
Interesting to know that! Here in the the UK the BBC are running a David Attenborough 3 part series on the Great Barrier Reef it might be a brand new one - one episode had dwarf minke whales, manta rays, and an island where turtles lay their eggs that was under threat and conservationists were making efforts to restore. If you can get access to "Auntie BBC" have a watch!
Definately think other people snaffled my sleep quota everyone I know can't seem to stay awake I can't stay asleep.x
I am so genuinely sorry to read that my friend, and I sincerely hope that you eventually managed to sleep? Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Good restorative sleep is the thing we (fibro people)seek but do not often find. When we do...go happy we are but its like a piece of cake you have been looking forward to and as soon as you get through the first page someone takes it off the table lol I hope that changes for you very soon...somehow someway.
Page should of been piece in prev post... Oops