Just can not sleep . my legs, hips ,an bàck is so painfull burning ,just cannot rest .everynight for weeks now .hands and fingers grettinbģ worst sorry for the moan xx
Tick Tock 'Tick Tock' Burning, painin... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tick Tock 'Tick Tock' Burning, paining, hips legs . Hands and fingers playing up so bad

I am so genuinely sorry to read that my friend and I sincerely hope that you can get some sleep tonight and that your pain eases for you. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Thank you ken me too. Hubby keeps telling me to go to sleep I wise it was that easy. x
It's never easy is it. I've been wide awake all night chatting to friends, getting water, going for a pee. Major landmarks on a sleepless night. Every now and then I'll try switching off. Listening to gentle music and many nights I nod off but I knew from the begging it was going to be an all nighter why? Not in any more pain than normal, temp ok! Took Ambien sleeping tablet yet no go I look for a pattern but can't see one. Thinking of keeping a detailed sleep diary.
At the moment I'm longing for a big brekkie but I know by breakfast I won't be hungry!
Keep trying X 💤💤💤
I have had that burning sensation and it is so horrible and can be a bit scary too in its intensity ,definitely gluten free and dairy has helped this ,I think mine was all part of a detox and now is far milder ..if you haven't tried giving up all the triggers ie: gluten dairy caffeine and alcohol then try it ,am sure it is helping .Good Luck
I am sorry you feel so bad! 🤕🤕🤕☺️But have to admit I have been reading Christmas carols for most of my day your evening and I Humm well put that to the tune of "let it snow" and cracked my self up! Problem is I could really put of a lot of my pains in there as well and I really started laughing at myself which made my daughter think I finally lost it. Truly though there is nothing to laugh about in your post. I have just been really down in my health here lately and today was first day I felt half way like myself. Please don't take offense.
Sorry to hear you are having a lot of pain, burning and stuff going on with your body. I know what you are talking about and there is no breaks or getting away from it. If it was possible you need to be detoxed from all your meds and then start again with the medications. Sounds like your body has became use to all your meds so they don't help we all r there or have been there. I know there is always bad days or worse days but remember a lot of stuff we eat and drink can cause the pain to increase, my prayers and thoughts are with you hope you get to feeling better and get some sleep.
I know how you feel it's terrible but I find this forum helpful as everyone knows how bad the pain is and how Fibermoralgia affects individuals. I speak to my husband and I have given him information on it but he still can't understand. Take care and keep on moaning we all need a moan to friends in this forum who understand us and our pain.
Hi sorry you are in such pain and I know just how you feel. ,I have been in a really bad flare up since Sunday I think we are the only ones who can truly understand the pain you are in ,a d your not moaning at all ,we need to vent sometimes .My hub is always on at me to get to sleep or do t be to late to bed but as I keep telling him there is no point me going till I'm really tired .Sending you a gentle hug and a hope that your pain eases soon .👍🏻