Hiya everyone.. I bump in to an old friend today and in conversation mentioned my fibromyalgia.. Her reply to this was that I must have a really low pain threshold (which I don't) and that I should toughen up.. Has anyone else had a response like this or something similar.. And how do you respond
Reaction to others: Hiya everyone.. I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
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The pain threshold means the slightest touch can spark a reaction that would not affect someone who doesn't have fibromyalgia, the fact is that we have a high tolerance of pain the two are quite separate. This was explained in great detail jointly by my Rheumatologist and Neurologist. We are not weak in fact quite the opposite. So take no notice of your friend on this. Lou xx
Thanks.. I know it's silly.. But I kinda hurt my feelings.. X but that's a great explanation.. I need to remember that whenever people make negative comments
She's a nurse..she said it with a slight laugh and a roll of the eyes..but I just brushed it off.. But it was hurtful
I think that dear Lou has given you so much good advice, I can but agree with everything she has said 👍🏻😊😊
Sending positive vibes your way 😊
Foggy x
I met a lady that i have known for 30 yrs, our sons were in the same class. When she asked how i was i told her that i was having a bad day and that i had fibromyalgia. She laughed and said that we were all getting old. she then ran up the hill that i was struggling to walk down.
It did upset me but that was a while ago and i have grown a thicker skin since. It still hurts, but now i have learnt to do a mental two finger salute. It helps.
When i was superviser for a cleaning company i found that after doing a bit of groveling to keep the client happy, a real two finger salute worked marvels on my temper.

I hate that comment , we're all getting older , we were younger and fitter than most people I have found and our body's have been pushed past breaking point ,
That is a great tactics..the Two finger salute... Will need to remember only to do it in my head though..x 😁 😂
I was told something similar by a so called friend a year or so ago , and I mentioned it to a couple of other friends and I fact think I posted it on here as was so up set , she had nearly died the year before because of smoking and had ignored Drs advice . I had stopped going out as couldn't keep up , etc , she told me I needed to get off my Arse and stop lazying around , 18 months before I had gone to her house and cleaned her spare bedroom from top to bottom and her living room , her daughter had popped round looked at me and said she worked a 28 hour week in the bank and was not going to spend her day off cleaning after her mother , I was speechless I thought she'd come to help , I worker 37.5 working week and had a Wednesday and a Sunday off .and my day started at , 5.45 am ea day . Some people are ignorant,to self important, and have no idea what work pain or empathy mean , we still talk if I see her we send Xmas card and a token present,to be polite but I will never consider her a true friend.
Awwww, having a low pain threshold is not a bad thing, it is what it is . The hardest thing for me with Fibro is that it is chronic, it is constant , it is 24/7. It is a daily struggle, wake up with pain , go to sleep with pain . Never ending , always there. Wears on you, day in and day out, not like something you can take meds for and be all better. When someone says that to you , tell them to Google it, then you will talk to them about it. 😘
Thanks everyone for your replies.. Has really helped..x
I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I sincerely hope that you do not feel too upset by this. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
She sounds delightful! She's needing to gen up and move with the times. All the more enlightened medical staff are up to date with Fibromyalgia. It's the ones who aren't interested in their profession who think they know it all. I'm easily hurt and that would have hurt me too so victory v's to her! X
firmly believe that it is way past time when all people who work in health care were educated about Fibro
I have had appointments with a SPECIALIST in adult mental health who Knew nothing about fibro fog.
The next time i went the locum who i sore had made a pretty good job of educating herself about fibro.
ive had fibro for almost 6 years and all i get of people around me is if you go to work it will take your mind off your condition. if that was the case i wouldnt be off work in the first place. if someone out there thinks that being in pain 24 hours a day and no sleep because of pain and pumped up with meds that are supposed to help but only to make you feel out of it with the pain still there . that people think if you go back to work takes your mind off your fibro well it wouldnt as everyone who suffers with fibro know that fibro stops you doing everything you were able to do before you had the condition and that means over 95% of what i could do before i got fibro is now impossible, these people need to stop telling us to cope with it and get on with life need to get a reality check and i wonder what they would say if they had our condition and some prat says if you go to work it will take your mind of it. i dont think so do you think they would say oh yes it takes my mind off being in sever pain and no sleep and even thou i carnt do 95% of what i was able to do before i had the condition that going back to work would help, i dont think that would be the case would it.