I started pregabalin 4 weeks ago after gabapentin, amitriyptaline was unsuccessful. Started at 25mg for 5 days then 50mg next 5 days up to 75mg per day at night. As the dose has increased so has the pain, fatigue and other problems. I have a really itchy rash of spots on my back, chest and in my hair. The burning in hands and feet has increased, I'm so tired I'm sleeping most of the day and night. When I wake up I'm disorientated with blurred vision which eventually clears. The last 2 days I've started to get muscle spasm cramps in my chest and lower back and I'm struggling to wee.
I really hoped this drug would have been the answer, I'm back at GP in 10 days, wondering if I should go back sooner or is this too early to tell and problems will get better?
Any advice greatfully apreciated.
Penny xx