Has any one experience where your so tired you lay down you can hear everything that is going on but cant move is this to do with fibro thanks x
Sleep : Has any one experience where... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I get this when Im sitting or laying down. Its like my body switches off from my brain and I cant seem to move. Its more that I hurt so much and cant find the energy to move I think. x
This is quite common, I think it is when you are between sleep and waking there is a scientific explanation that has escaped me just now, someone will likely come up with it. xx
Hi seren ..I call this the brain/body disconnect! A kind of semi consciousness when the body just can't go on but the brain stays alert. ...happens to me anyway!
I would say it sounds like sleep paralysis where the mind is awake but the body can't move.
This can happen just before you fall asleep or when wakening. There are many causes but sleep deprivation or unhealthy sleeping patterns can bring it on.
It's a horrible experience I know. Hope it doesn't happen too often. Tc x

Well I have never worried about this until now! Never heard of 'sleep paralysis'...more info needed.
Every day I wake after about 7 hours 'unaware' sleep and then my mind just switches on like a light switch and whilst my body is dead to the world my mind happily and lively goes through all sorts of stuff until finally my body wakes up to! This state can last for a short period or hours. I've become so used to it that it's become a way of life.....but now I'm wondering if I should be paying more notice?
I know what you mean about the light switch. My brain does this every morning around noon or later sometimes when it goes from one extreme to the other strange!

Do you mean your brain switches from foggy to overdrive? Be interested to know more? What state is your body in when this is happening? Have you been sleeping etc?
It does on occasion, but every morning I cannot function properly until my brain wakes up or switches on like a light switch. I daren't move until then or I'm liable to do myself an injury.
Some days it takes longer than others depending on how much sleep I get.
Again that depends on pain levels. š

So it seems we are the opposite way round ie your body wakes up before your brain! Do you think your symptoms are being affected by medication?
Don't know really as I've also had brain surgery 11 yrs ago which could be a factor, but it's gotten worse over the last yr.x
Thanks for replies xx
Oh my goodness this has been happening to me today (well technically yday), I thought it was because I was very anxious on Thursday.
Thank you so much for asking this Seren as I know I wouldn't have done.
I'm feeling a little bttr for knowing I'm not alone (sorry hope that doesn't sound mean) Am hoping for a few hrs sleep as I have a busy w/end ahead.
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you have been experiencing this and I would discuss this with your GP / Medical Specialist simply to make them aware that this is happening for you.
I have experienced this on a couple of occasions and I think mine is related to a sleep disorder that I suffer with. As I can get so tired sometimes that my body simply does not work and my brain and body feel separate.
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Defo,happens most days.Try and relax and go with it,that's what I do and often then manage a good sleep for a few hours afterwards.X
I wish you well xxx
Hi. Yes unfortunately me! Sleep paralysis, it's dreadful! Went away, and now it's back again. I do think this is another symptom of fibro, as I'm getting it a lot now. Try not to worry about it, but that's easier said than done, as it's quite terrifying at the time, but we know we will come out of it! Hope it disappears for you..x
Maisy do you ever see things that your dreaming but you are awake? Like a night terror? Iv had it happen three Times scared the crap out of me. X
Hi Keelybee, Yeah, i think it's the cross over confusion between waking up, and still in REM sleep! But i can see everything, everyone in the room, as it's usually when i rest in the evening, 6ish on the sofa, so can hear the tv etc. I can hear myself shouting at myself "come on, wake up please". I think we must go straight into REM sleep, and bypass the first sleep stage. Bloody awful aint it? X
Yes! I went through it about 18 months ago, years of no sleep/pain my brain just like I was going crazy! Then after I saw a womans face in my wardrobe I went to the doctors and said I'm going crazy LOL thought the men in white suits were coming for me hahahahaha saying that the other night I saw my curtains flapping like the window was open but it wasn't? It happens when I dont sleep well.. God imagine if we lived hundreds of year's ago we would be in a nutty house getting electric shocked!! Ekk! X
Hi Seren,
Oh yes i get this body paralysis, previously only occasionally but of late more frequently, i was at GP recently for my thyroid bloods & had asked for my Vitimin D levels to be tested got result late last night (Fri) my Dr has left a prescription for me to collect on Monday, as my Vitimin D was very low i am hoping with the suppliments it will alleviate this paralysis also my fibro pain has been worse of late so looking for an improvement in that too xx
I too have experienced this on many occasions, sometimes it has been very frightening as I feel the need to be getting out of my bed to get away from something, which is why I understand how it is between sleep and being fully wide awake. Seeing that so many people also experience this has actually helped me as I thought it was something I was the only one going through.
Foggy x
No I get that all time think I am asleep but know wits going off round you but can not open your eyes x
Been investigating on net about 'sleep paralysis' eg NHS site, scientific American site and ninds.nih.gov site and all say sleep paralysis only lasts from a few second to a few minutes, either when falling asleep or on waking and occurs "when the normal muscular paralysis of RED sleep temporarily continues after you've woken up".
Also led me on to looking into info on 'narcolepsy'....anybody ever been investigated for this? Certainly got me thinking...
Does anyone have this when they are not only awake but up as well?
I sometimes have to think about moving, like my brain takes me through the door but my body refuses to move.
My husband laughs when I tell him I have to think about which part of me needs to move first.! Fortunately once I get going I am fine.
I've been all over the country sometimes before I even get out the chair, then I'm so exhausted from all the brain work I have to lie down. Can't win š
Yeah it is called sleep paralysis had this for about 20 years it's horrible. Gets worse when I'm over tired or stressed. It's hard to combat but I've actually learned how to wake myself up. Took a long time to do this but I keep telling myself your asleep. This seems to work for me.
Having read up on 'sleep paralysis' I don't think it applies to me as it only lasts a few seconds/minutes.
I can only conclude in my case that fatigue affects my body physically longer than my brain at nite! So whilst my body is craving more rest my brain is saying 'Wahey , I'm awake, what's keeping you?!?'........It does mean that by the time my body agrees to move, my brain has already sorted out a lot of things for the day ahead!
I have had this happen to myself many times u open your eyes but you car move your screaming inside but you cart move after what seems like a life time ye take a big breath and it's feel like you have just been electric shocked it's horrible
Thanks for all your replies that's what I love about this site we are not alone good to talk to everyone who understands xxx
Interesting! Now that I have retired (after 52 years) I can get up when I want to. When my brain starts to wake I am usually lying flat on my back like a corpse and relaxed. However, sometimes it can take up to an hour before my body will even open an eye, move a finger or toe to prove that I am still alive, then I start to think about getting up, but it is all a very long process, but not stressful. My husband has learnt not to bother coming into my bedroom to say good morning, but sometimes the cat jumps on me and then pats my face to say it's time for feeding, but I still just pretend to be asleep and eventually he goes away! BTW he has always had his breakfast and is just trying to push his luck.