I really feel my fibro is getting worse although I have read somewhere that it is not a progressive illness. Just interested to know your opinions on the matter?
Fibromyalgia progressive?: I really... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia progressive?

I don't know so much as I felt it creeping up on my gradually and complained to my dr for 2 yrs about how something was attacking my body until I couldn't bear it any longer and asked to see a rheumatologist. Hugs Jan x
I feel like mine is also getting worse. I don't think doctors even know for sure myself. I just know I hurt worse now than when I was younger. I have had fibro for life. It has become unbearable in the last couple of years far worse than ever! I know have 17 out of 17 and pain level is off the charts. The fog has become a daily thing!
I'm wondering if there is a specific issue for females given they have to go through such big hormonal changes during a perimenopause phase which can last years?
Also I wonder how, how long having the Fibro illness prior to getting older affects then how aging subsequently affects it? And how, how the illness has been managed over the years affects the illnesses progress in the long term?
So many questions and so few answers......
Hi. I feel that my fibro is progressing as I am getting older. It makes sense to me. X
I can only add that after any vial infections I never quite recover to where I was, hope that made sense xx
I have had pneumonia twice in the last four years. The last five years have also been very traumatic for me, and like Lou, I know that I have not got back to where I was before everything happened.
Hugs Lu xx
My own experience is it does get worse !! I find it is harder to cope with as time goes on with the arrival of new symptoms
Fog has got my attention again !! Also as Lou and bluemermaid after every bug or virus, I never seem to get back to where I was😕
Yes mine has certainly got worse pain and stiffness wise. I also have osteo and other problems and are sometimes not sure what illness is causing what symptoms but generally feel like an old crock most days.x
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are feeling worse with your Fibro and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck. I was always told by my previous GP that Fibro is not a progressive illness and that it comes in spurts and eases before returning with a flare up. However, my old GP does not have Fibro and does not suffer like we do?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hey, mine gets worse/flare up when something happens, so when I had my car accident then when I went to thrope park on the rides, when I got pleurisy. So over the years it Has got worse. I also find my fibromyalgia also is bad while I'm on my period, if I drink alcohol
i think its the nature of fibro to get worse for a bit then get better for a bit, then get worse for a bit in cycles, with each cycle last days, weeks, months at a time. at least that's what i've been finding with mine, lol.
Thank you all for taking the time to answer. It seems we're all in agreement, it does appear to be progressive. Even the good days aren't great anymore but we soldier on 💂🏻💂🏻
This made me think
I'm better now than I was 20 years ago. Medication, use of a powerchair, help in the home, no-one to look after, walking away from stressful situations. Less pain, symptoms mostly under control It's taken a long time getting here but life is easier now
Did you need your power chair 20 years ago?
I doubt it but I could never stand for more than a few minutes. If ever there was a queue of more that a couple of people I would leave. Also had difficulties getting to a public toilet in time back then and struggled to sleep due to pain. If I'd had a chair those problems would have been resolved.
It was pre 1994 that I was begging doctors for help. Funny trying to fit all the pieces together from so long ago.
Hi Telynores....like you my pain problems date back to a different era with different medical knowledge than now...and like you I have found that reducing the stressors in my life has been influential in improving things ......but of course this is a bread and butter part of the advice for managing Fibro and CFS/ME nowadays! It's breaking that stress/anxiety/ tense body muscles/pain/more stress/anxiety/tense body muscles/pain/weakness and so on cycle. The longer it goes on the more destructive over time to the body it becomes.
I know what you mean about 'fitting all the pieces together from so long ago'.......that's something I'm working on at mo. Take care.
I noticed that eating foods which I am intolerant to makes it unbearable - e.g. all sugars, soy, dairy. The sugars being the main culprit. Try eliminating some possibilities. Not sure it works for everyone.
Kind regards
I think that is so true!
Hello Gloschessum,
I don't know if you saw one of our polls on this subject, so here's the link if not as might be of interest;
I also wrote a post where we discussed this afterwards, if I find it I will add to this comment.
Best Wishes
Community Coordinator
Mine is definitely progressive, I had only been using a stick for a year when I was diagnosed in 2010, now i struggle between a rollator for short journeys and the wheelchair for longer ones. The pain is worse too, as is the stiffness and as for the brain! That apparently went on vacation and never returned!
I would say it gets worse, as in more area's have pain . I can't physically do as much as I could 3 year's ago. X
Mine started while I was in my thirties but I was finally diagnosed when I was in my early forties and since then it has got worse over the years until I can barely walk and I'm hunched over when I try which is frustrating when grandchildren visit and want to play. I also have athritis which has got worse over the years and it is sometimes hard to know which is causing the most pain. At 58 years old, I feel like I should be able to go out and do more but I'm "imprisoned" inside a body that won't work! Sorry to go on, I hope things go better for you Julia x
I have gone from having a few periods of excessive fatigue and a bit of back pain in the 1970's to constant "brain strain", fatigue and restricted mobility now. These days I am unable to work, I use an electric wheelchair for any distance over a few metres ....... and it continues to change and get slightly more restrictive. I sleep really well most of the time, my pain is well managed with a combination of medication and my own pacing, I am really healthy and rarely get ill. Yet things continue to change and become more restrictive. Definitely progressive!